
What is the corn beard for? Take advantage of them this way

By liliaturcin5

1. Corn beard infusion:

One of the most common ways to use corn beards is to prepare an infusion. Simply boil the corn husks in water for a few minutes, strain and let the liquid cool. This infusion can be consumed hot or cold and is believed to have diuretic and antioxidant properties.

2. Kitchen use:

Corn beards can add a subtle corn flavor to your dishes. You can use them to flavor broths, soups, stews or even milk when boiling it before making creamed corn. They can also be added to cooking rice or sauces for an extra touch of flavor.

3. Corn beard tea for hair:

Corn beard is also used in natural cosmetics as a remedy to strengthen hair. Prepare a concentrated infusion of corn beard and let it cool. After shampooing, rinse your hair with this infusion to help strengthen it and give it shine.

4. Medicinal uses:

Corn beard is said to have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a natural remedy for urinary problems and inflammatory conditions. However, it is important to consult a health professional before using it for medicinal purposes.

5. Composting:

If you don’t plan to use corn husks in cooking or for cosmetic purposes , you can still put them to good use by adding them to your compost pile. Corn husks are rich in nutrients and can help enrich your compost with organic matter.

In short, the corn beard is a versatile resource that deserves more attention than it usually receives. From infusions to culinary and cosmetic uses, there are many creative ways to take advantage of this natural gift and add a special touch to your recipes and daily routines.