
The best Christmas treats: without the oven, flour or eggs. Very easy and fast!

By liliaturcin5

These are the best Christmas treats you can make without even turning on the oven.

No flour, yeast, eggs, butter, yet they are of a unique gluttony!

Fresh and delicious, they are a real pleasure for the palate: they divinely accompany afternoon tea with old friends, or round off a family dinner in style, giving so much joy to young and old.

Cheerful and fun, you can make them in the shape you prefer, equip yourself with a plunger cookie cutter to obtain three-layered sweets. You will make so many small masterpieces, one part as white as snow, due to the coconut flour, another browned and caramel-colored due to the dulche de leche, an Argentine specialty easily available in our supermarkets.

What are you waiting for then? Get to work, let’s get started!

Christmas treats: the best ever

For this recipe, get:

  • roasted peanuts, 150 g
  • dry biscuits to taste, 100g
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 4 tablespoons of caramel cream (dulce de leche)
  • grated coconut, 150 g
  • 3-4 tablespoons of condensed milk
  • 60 g of milk chocolate to decorate

Put the peanuts in the kitchen mixer, add the biscuits breaking them up with your hands, you need about 16. Run the blender and grind them into a very fine powder!

Transfer them to a bowl, add the vanilla extract and the caramel cream, one spoon at a time. Mix well between one step and the next to obtain a bound and uniform dough. Make a sort of loaf, seal the container with plastic wrap to keep it from drying out and let it rest.

In another bowl, put the grated coconut and the condensed milk, mix them well together, then wrap it with cellophane to prevent the mixture from drying out.

Take the dough with peanuts and dulce de leche, roll it out with a rolling pin between two sheets of plastic wrap. Do the same with the coconut and grated milk one. Remove the cellophane, then grease the cookie cutters with a drizzle of oil. Start forming the first sweets by taking the darker base, then move on to the lighter one, finally back to the dark one. Now slide the well-assembled mold onto a serving tray lined with baking paper. Then reverse, starting with the light, dark and light again, so you have both versions to offer, one with a stronger peanut flavor and one with coconut. Refrigerate for two hours to firm up.

Before taking out your biscuits, melt the chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave, transfer it to a sac à poche. Take the sweets back and garnish them with the ganache, finally put them back in the fridge for about ten minutes to solidify the decoration.

Now offer them to those you love, they are wonderful!