
How to cure a rusty plow disc?

By liliaturcin5

How to cure a rusty plow disc? It is the question that comes to us from our readers, therefore we prepared an article to explain what is the best way to achieve it.

By not using it much or perhaps leaving it outdoors, our plow disc can suffer to the point of becoming rusty and unusable, like the one in the photo.

However, with a little time and few resources we can “cure” it to use it again as before, and prepare those delicious dishes that we long for.

How to cure a rusty plow disc
How to cure a rusty plow disc

I’m going to show you some tricks so you know how to remove rust from a plow disc!

How to clean a rusty disc

1º) Burn the internal part, 2 or 3 times and clean it after each burn, passing grease between them.

2º) Once this step is finished, there is no need to wash it… Clean it with kitchen roll paper and grease it (beef fat) generously.
3º) Between each burning action, the performer must drink a glass of wine so that the process mentioned above does not dry out.
4º) This way you save it until the next time you have to use it, where when you heat it, you will repeat step two and… Let’s cook!

Notes: do not use newspaper when cleaning, it contains ink and it remains at the bottom of the disc, it can be toxic.
Do not use excessive fire, remember that the virtue of this steel is to maintain even heat. Make sure the flame never goes beyond the edges.
The disc is made of tempered steel, with successive burning you run the risk of it becoming detempered, and the way to tell is when the food sticks and takes on a burnt taste before it is ready.

It is also recommended, prior to all these steps, to go to the bicycle shop or a body shop, to sand it with a blowtorch, (a process that with sand and blowtorch in between cleans everything, in the best exfoliating style) and then yes, Continue with the fat and steps mentioned above.

There are those who have cleaned it with a soft drink, like Coca Cola, which even eliminates the rust from the pipes (this is what our stomach must look like when we ingest it too haha) and then wiped it with a shavings or steel shavings.

We hope you find it useful!