
The most effective trap against flies and mosquitoes: here’s how to prepare it

By liliaturcin5

The presence of flies and mosquitoes in our home can be a constant nuisance, especially during the warmer months. These insects can not only ruin our peace of mind, but they can also become carriers of diseases.

If you are looking for an effective and natural solution to get rid of these pests, a homemade trap with common ingredients may be the answer.

In this article, we will present you the most effective trap to eliminate flies and mosquitoes, using a plastic bottle, ripe apple, vinegar and detergent.

The most effective trap against flies and mosquitoes

The trap that we are going to prepare is based on the olfactory attraction that flies and mosquitoes have towards vinegar and ripe apples.

Once these insects get close to the mixture, the detergent will act as a surfactant, breaking the surface tension of the liquid and trapping the insects in the solution.

Necessary materials:

-An empty, clean plastic bottle (preferably 2 liters)
-A ripe apple cut into small cubes
-Half a liter of white vinegar
-A few tablespoons of dish detergent

Steps to prepare the trap:

  • Cut the bottle in half: Take the plastic bottle and cut it in half. The bottom part of the bottle will be the one we use for the trap.
  • Place the ingredients: Place the apple cubes at the bottom of the bottle. Then, add the half liter of white vinegar to the apple cubes.
  • Add the detergent: Add a few tablespoons of liquid detergent to the vinegar and mix gently to make sure they are combined.
  • Set up the trap: Take the top part of the bottle and place it upside down inside the bottom part that contains the mixture. The mouth of the bottle should be facing downwards, like a funnel, so that the insects can enter but cannot leave.
  • Place the trap in a strategic location: Place the trap in a location where there is a greater presence of flies and mosquitoes, such as near windows, doors, or outdoor areas.

Additional Tips:

  • Replace the mixture every few days to keep the trap effective and prevent unpleasant odors.
  • This trap is effective against flies and mosquitoes, but keep in mind that it will not capture all the insects at once. You can place several traps in different areas to maximize their effectiveness.
  • If you have pets, be sure to place the trap in a place where they cannot access it.

This homemade trap is an effective and environmentally friendly alternative to control annoying fly and mosquito populations in your home. By using natural and commonly used ingredients, you will avoid exposure to harmful chemicals.

Remember that prevention is also key to keeping these pests under control. Keep your home clean, eliminate sources of attraction for insects, and be sure to keep your outdoor areas free of standing water. With this home trick and some preventive habits, you can enjoy a home freer of flies and mosquitoes. Goodbye to the inconvenience!