
Homemade repellents to scare away and prevent dogs from urinating at home

By liliaturcin5

Dogs urinate to mark territory, this is something natural for them and they do it instinctively. It has happened to all of us at some point that our pets do their business inside our homes and they dirty or damage the floor, furniture, armchairs, among other objects that we may have.

Homemade dog repellent

For this reason today we bring you homemade dog repellent, with the aim of preventing them from urinating inside the house. In addition, they also serve as repellents so that dogs do not defecate inside homes, in this way we will teach them discipline in a correct and appropriate way.

How to scare away dogs that urinate

Below we will suggest some ideas to make a product so that the dog does not urinate at home. Likewise, we guarantee that they will not be harmful to the health of our pets.

1)White Alcohol


  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 cup of ethyl alcohol


  1. The first thing we must do is incorporate the 2 cups of water together with the cup of ethyl alcohol in a spray bottle.
  2. Once that is done, we will close our preparation with the trigger and shake very well.
  3. We will then spray every day for about a week on the affected areas. This will scare away our pet and it will be forced to go outside to relieve itself.



  • 1/2 cup ammonia
  • 2 cups of water


  1. We will incorporate the 1/2 cup of ammonia into a spray bottle along with the 2 cups of water.
  2. Then we will close it and shake very well.
  3. Next, we will spray in the places where we do not want our pets to urinate or defecate, for a few days.

This natural repellent is very effective due to its strong odor.

3)Aromatic Herbs

Some herbs are very aromatic and can be unpleasant for our pets, which is why it is highly recommended to use them, they are ideal.

The first thing we will do is make a concentrate of herbs, which can be rue, sage or wormwood, among others. Then, we will add the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it on all the surfaces we want.



  • Juice or juice of 2 lemons.
  • 2 cups of water.


  1. The first thing we should do is pour the lemon juice and water into a spray bottle. Then we will close everything very well and shake our mixture.
  2. Once this is done, we will spray our homemade container on all the low parts, such as doors, walls or corners where dogs usually urinate.

Although lemon juice may not seem unpleasant to us, our pets find its citrus aroma annoying and that is why it works perfectly as a natural dog repellent.

5)Cayenne pepper

With this spice we must be careful, since it can cause eye irritation if there is very direct contact. That is why we recommend that you apply a small amount in the corners of the floor, this way our canines will sniff it and automatically be scared away by its penetrating smell.


Vinegar is a natural acid that has a very strong perfume and will help keep our pets from getting close to where it is applied.

What we must do is apply vinegar in a spray bottle and spray abundantly on walls, corners of the floor, doors, among other things. We can also choose to spray the car tires with this home remedy. This is the best natural homemade dog repellent, hands down!