
How to repair a damp wall? Easy, fast and super effective method

By liliaturcin5

urely we have some moisture and mold stains on the wall or ceiling, their brown, black or green color really stands out in a bad way. In fact, it is not only a visual issue but also the health dangers caused by this humidity.

The truth is that it is not a topic to be taken lightly, it can bring serious problems to our health. It can cause nasal congestion, irritation, itchy throat, coughing, and sneezing .

How to repair a damp wall? Easy, fast and super effective method

Therefore, we have to solve the problem but we also do not want to spend too much or hire someone qualified to do it.

Let’s see below how to do the job in a simple, easy, economical way and with the necessary materials:


  • 1 metal spatula
  • Chlorine
  • 1 Spray bottle
  • metallic fiber
  • Gloves (To clean)
  • Waterproofing
  • Paint
  • Face covering or mask

Procedure to treat a wall with humidity

  1. First of all, we put on the face mask or mask. It is important not to breathe mold, dust, chlorine, paint and more.
  2. We start using the metal spatula and remove all the paint that has come off due to the same humidity. The idea is to leave the surface as clean and uniform as possible, this will facilitate the work that follows.
  3. Then, we pour the bleach into the spray bottle and spray it generously over all the mold. If we see it appropriate we can take care of our eyes with protective glasses.
  4. Next step, we put on the gloves and begin to scrub with the help of the metal fiber to remove the entire mold shell completely.
  5. Next, we spray with water to remove any residue and let it dry well.
  6. When we see that it is already very dry, we proceed to place a layer of waterproofing with the help of a roller or brush. It is important to give it time until the wall is dry.
  7. To finish, we painted the wall to taste and ready to enjoy it.


A very timely recommendation is to paint the wall with anti-humidity paint, to avoid future inconveniences.

Another suggestion to keep in mind is to allow good ventilation in the rooms of the house. It is also essential to leave about 30 cm of separation between the furniture and the walls, in this way we leave space for air to circulate.

It is essential to open the windows and ventilate well, remember that there are devices that generate more heat and humidity. Gas stoves should be avoided.

Another factor to take into account is hanging the clothes outside, perhaps when it rains we bring the clothes inside the home. Precisely by doing this we generate more humidity, which must be avoided so that the walls are not ruined by mold.

The key is to reduce sources of humidity, so when we take a shower it should be brief and avoid so much steam that only causes more humidity inside the bathroom.

As a last suggestion, we can pay attention to the kitchen, when water boils it evaporates and passes into the environment in the form of steam. A small action will help minimize this adverse effect, simply by placing the lid on the saucepan or pot.CategoriesHome and Family