
What to do when you CAN’T pay for air conditioning? Homemade Fan

By liliaturcin5

Without a doubt, on very hot days we look for a way to stay cool at home. As we well know, having an air conditioner has its cost and affects many people’s health, so we resort to other home methods. In this case, we will see how to prepare a  homemade fan.

Obviously we will use a fan that we have and other elements to keep the room cool, it is an economical trick. We could say that it is an air conditioner but with the help of a homemade fan.

Homemade Fan

Let’s see what elements we will use and the entire procedure to follow without taking up too much time:

How to make a homemade fan


  • 6 Plastic bottles
  • Plastic sheet or cardboard packaging
  • Cutter
  • Wires or straps
  • silicone glue
  • 1 Fan


  1. To begin, we take the plastic bottles and proceed to cut the top or along the label line.
  2. Then we remove the 6 caps and we are left with the 6 glasses of the bottles.
  3. Next step, on the sheet or cardboard that we have chosen we are going to draw a circle with the same diameter as the fan blades or blades.
  4. Next, we cut very carefully with the cutter along the line we have drawn.
  5. Now in the circle we place and draw the glass of the bottles, one next to the other with some space between them.
  6. Then we proceed to cut each drawn circle carefully, we will have a kind of mold with the 6 circles inside.
  7. Then we introduce each cup into the corresponding circle, which we are going to fix with adhesive tape from the inside to prevent it from moving.
  8. But to make sure they don’t actually move when in operation, you need to hot glue them together. It could be with a glue gun or similar, the key is to fix it well.
  9. In each part where the bottle cups are we must make 2 holes and there we will tie them with cables, the idea is to fix the base to the fan.
  10. To finish, you have to tie the wires to the fan grill and cut off the excess of the ties.
  11. Once secured, we put it to work and see the results. The key is to lower the heat like an air conditioner but with a homemade fan.

Try it and you will see how this homemade trick manages to lower the temperature of the room or wherever you are!

Here we leave you the video so you can see it with all the details:


Video by: DD ElectroTech


Another very practical and easy recommendation to make is with 2 bottles, cut and open the bottom of the bottle. A couple of holes are also made in the lid so that it ventilates and they are placed on the back of the fan, we can hold them with wire and we introduce ice cubes into the packaging of each bottle.

In this way, the temperature is reduced and cold air will expand into the environment.