
With this ingredient, cucumbers grow in no time: pour it over the sprouts

By liliaturcin5

High temperatures are hard on plants, gardens and all crops.  When the sun shines very strongly and the rain runs out, the risk of death of our plants  and everything that we grow with so much patience increases significantly. In such a condition, just watering them frequently is not enough, the water is not enough. All vegetation is weakening and we have to intervene with the use of fertilizers and nutrients.

Vegetation needs  minerals and vitamins  to be lush and to provide fruits and vegetables in large quantities, especially when there is little rain. We must be the ones to provide the right help and nutrients. Our plants absorb the latter  through their roots  , so it’s a good idea to absorb everything they need into the soil. In this way, the fruits will be rich and their growth will be quick and profitable.

If you’re growing cucumbers and want to provide the garden with help beyond just watering, this ingredient is for you. By following these small steps and combining a few ingredients, you will get a real panacea for your cucumbers:  a completely natural fertilizer  . You will grow in no time, that’s what it’s all about.

Gardening: a versatile activity

There are many pastimes and hobbies; Gardening is one of the most demanding  jobs  . It is a hobby that can bring a lot of joy and satisfaction, but only if you approach it with a lot of patience and care. Satisfaction always comes at the end of the journey: we literally reap  all the fruits of our efforts  . If we do not invest the necessary passion, love and patience in gardening, we cannot hope to achieve great results. We must care for and monitor our garden from sowing to the “blooming” of the fruits.


During the growth and cultivation phase, we must take some  precautions  to ensure that everything goes as desired. There are many rules, deadlines to meet and tricks to use. It’s not enough to just give a little water: it won’t do much good if we forget   to give our cucumbers vitamins and minerals . Providing plants with nutrients is very important for their development and health. In order for them to develop optimally, enzymes, proteins and vitamins are needed.

With high temperatures and low rainfall, it is more important than ever to give our cucumbers the right nutrients.  Here, you can find everything you need  .

Give this to your cucumbers and they will multiply in your garden

In the following article we explain how to make a  completely natural fertilizer  , a real complement for our cucumbers. If you water the garden with this solution, you will get a rich, bountiful harvest, and the cucumbers will be tasty and of high quality. It all depends on the vitamins and minerals we add to the soil. What you need first is a glass   filled with 1 liter of hot water, some sugar and yeast .


The first step is  to add a spoonful of yeast  to the warm water and mix well. Then add a spoonful of sugar to activate the yeast. Continue mixing well and let it sit for a few hours. Once the necessary time has passed, you can pour the contents of the jar into  five liters of water  to dilute the mixture. At this point all you have to do is water your garden with this magical water:  lots of cucumbers will grow quickly!