
Feed the onions with this fertilizer in June – they will get bigger every year

By liliaturcin5

If you have planted onions in your garden you absolutely must use this fertilizer in June to feed them. So they will get bigger.

You have probably planted onions in your garden but you want to feed them  abundantly and using this fertilizer in June will be the turning point for your plants. Whether you planted your onions from seeds or bulbs don’t worry because it makes no difference and you can use this method.

The  onion is generally an undemanding plant and does not need many nutrients  . In particular, it does not like heavily fertilized soils. In fact, it is generally avoided to use fertilizer before and during sowing but only use it after.

Fertilizers in June for onions

In fact,  using this fertilizer in June is the right choice  . You will only need one product that you probably won’t have to buy because you already have it at home and especially in the kitchen. Even if you don’t have it, however, it is very cheap as a product and only costs a few euros. Below, in the next paragraph, all the details.

Fertilizer in June: use it for onions

As we said, we are going to use fertilizer for onions. The ideal is to use it in this month but it is not essential to respect it. You can find fertilizer in the kitchen and it is certainly an ingredient that is not lacking. We  are talking about flour which can also be used for plants  .

You can also use leftover flour that you no longer want to use for cooking and would throw away. For plants, especially onions, it’s great.  Flour is a long term fertilizer  and as most plants and vegetables grow along the sea it is excellent.

Onion and plant flour

All you have to do is put the flour near the ground where the onion is planted  . Don’t dig a lot but try to get it as close as possible. Over time, the flour ferments and a series of microorganisms will be activated that will nourish the plant thoroughly.

This is a way of using flour as fertilizer  . Below we will also look at why it is used differently. There’s a reason it’s good to put flour next to onions and more. This will save your crops and you won’t have to throw them away for infestation or anything.

Flour in plants – this is why you need to start

Flour can be reused and especially when it is expired, it can be used in an alternative way instead of throwing it away. We have seen how it can be useful as a fertilizer for onions. Leaving the nutrients long term is perfect since the onions don’t need as much.

Flour as fertilizer

However, another reason to use it in the garden is to protect plants by  keeping pests away  . In particular, if it is placed near certain vegetables, you will avoid having to throw away the harvest flooded with insects. And then you will also avoid using pesticides that are harmful to both the environment and humans.