
Learn How to Make a Cut Rose Bloom and Root

By liliaturcin5

Without a doubt, roses are a symbol of true love, eternal friendship and pure beauty. If they have given us roses, surely that person has good feelings towards us and wants to show it.

Rose bushes are one of those plants that we would all like to have, however they have earned a bad reputation since many think that they are very difficult to care for.

Learn How to Make a Cut Rose Bloom and Root

This is very far from being true, in fact it is so easy to care for these plants, that we can even make a cut rose bloom and take root.

Yes yes, you read correctly. If we follow the following steps, we can have our own rose bush, it will be a beautiful memory of that rose that they once gave us.

How to make a cut rose bloom

Despite what everyone thinks, growing a rose from a stem will be very easy, nothing more beautiful than having a rose plant in our garden.

As we mentioned before, it will be very simple if we follow the following steps:

We will need:

-A cut rose stem
-A potato
-A plastic bottle
-Potting soil
-A flower pot


1. We will take the stems that we are going to use and we will remove the leaves. We will make a cut to the stem to remove the flower.

2. We will prepare the potato by making a hole in it, remember that we will put the stem there so it must be the same size to remain firm. We insert the stem into the potato.

3. We form a layer of soil in the pot, arrange the potato with the stem and finish covering it with soil almost to the top.

4. Now we will give the necessary conditions to our rose, to accelerate the growth process and we will do it with the bottle that will function as a kind of greenhouse. Then we take the bottle, cut off the base and place it on the pot.

5. We will water our rose around the bottle, without removing it.

6. Now to wait for it to grow and those long-awaited sprouts to appear. Let’s not forget to water it approximately every 3 days depending on weather conditions.

How to care for a rose plant

Once our plant has developed, it will be necessary to provide it with certain necessary care so that it grows healthy and strong, especially in the summer months. We will take the following tips into account:

-Irrigation. In the months when it is hot, watering must be abundant since the substrate must remain moist, especially if our plant is young.

-Pests. One of the fundamental care that we must provide to roses is pest control since these plants are very attractive to all types of harmful insects. If we don’t control them, they will end up destroying our rose bush.

The most common pests of a rose are aphids, mealybugs and whiteflies. These pests literally devour plants, so we must pay close attention.

If we see that a strange insect is hanging around our rose plant, we must take the necessary measures to exterminate it.

-Pass. If we want our rose bush to grow healthy and give us beautiful flowers, we must fertilize our plant. In the months in which this plant blooms, the flowers demand a lot of energy from the plant, causing it to weaken and be even more exposed to pest attacks.

For this reason, it is important to fertilize it, to give it the necessary nutrients to be strong and thus be able to face flowering in a better way.

-Pruning.  Although many do not give much importance to this step, it is essential so that the energy of our plant is not diverted to a place that is no longer necessary.

We will do this by cutting the stem a few centimeters from the withered flower. Doing a simple pruning will greatly benefit our plant and will make the other flowers grow abundantly.