
How to Make Homemade Vegan Herbal and Broccoli-Based Mayonnaise

By liliaturcin5

Vegan mayonnaise is a delicious and healthy alternative for those who prefer to avoid dairy products and eggs.

In this recipe, you will learn how to prepare a fresh and aromatic version of vegan mayonnaise using broccoli and herbs.

Follow these simple steps to enjoy a delicious addition to your meals.


  • 2 cups chopped and steamed broccoli florets
  • juice of one lemon
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 cup chopped chives
  • 1 cup chopped parsley
  • A pinch of oregano
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 tablespoon cassava starch (or corn starch)
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Filtered water to help mix (about two tablespoons)


  1. In a blender, combine the steamed broccoli florets, lemon juice, garlic, chives, parsley, oregano, olive oil, cassava starch (or cornstarch), salt and black pepper.
  2. Mix everything well, adding the olive oil in a thin stream as you process, until you obtain a smooth and creamy consistency. At this point, use only half the chives and half the parsley.
  3. If the mixture is too thick or the food processor is having trouble blending, add a little water, but only the minimum amount needed.
  4. When the mixture is smooth, pour it into a saucepan and heat over medium-low heat, stirring constantly until it reaches a mayonnaise-like consistency. Finally, add the rest of the chives and parsley.
  5. Once ready, remove from the heat and let it cool before serving. This homemade vegan mayonnaise is perfect for spreading on sandwiches, salads or as a dip for fresh vegetables.


  • For a softer, lighter texture, you can roast the garlic before adding it to the mixture.
  • If you prefer a lighter vegan mayonnaise, you can omit the cassava starch. This will slightly affect the final texture, making it a little less thick.
  • How long mayonnaise lasts in the fridge will depend on the freshness of the broccoli used, so consume it within a few days for best results.

Now you have a delicious and healthy vegan mayonnaise option to enjoy with your meals. Experiment with different herbs and adjust the flavors according to your preference. Enjoy!