
The secret ingredient to a healthy garden: plants will grow 5 times faster

By liliaturcin5

The trick to a healthy garden lies in just one secret ingredient, and what’s more, it’s free. Let’s see what it is.

Whether you have a garden or a  small vegetable garden  , the greatest satisfaction is undoubtedly seeing it flourish. Very often we rely on ready-made fertilizers that can be found on the market in different formulations, yet not everyone knows that it is possible to make a  nitrogen-based fertilizer  directly at home and with an ingredient easy to find directly in nature. Let’s find out how.

How to have a healthy garden

Maintaining a beautiful garden can be a difficult task, but with a little planning and care,  it can undoubtedly become an enjoyable and satisfying activity  . The first step is to carefully plan the layout of the garden.

Indeed, the position of the sun, the size of the garden and maintenance needs must be taken into consideration. Once you have decided how to arrange it,  you will need to choose the  plants adapted to the climate  and you will need to prepare the soil  . 

How to have a healthy garden

Basic care includes  regular watering and adequate sunlight  . It is also important to keep the garden free of weeds and pests. Tending to the garden at least once a week helps keep it in good condition, but it’s  just as important to have well-nourished soil  . This is possible thanks to a fundamental nutrient, namely nitrogen, which can be obtained free of charge in nature. So let’s see  how to make nitrogen fertilizer for the garden using a plant considered to be a weed  and a weed: the nettle.

A fertilizer to nourish the soil

As mentioned, it is possible  to make a nitrogen-based fertilizer by exploiting what nature offers  . In this case, nettles, well-known weeds and fast-growing plants, are excellent allies. 

Nettles are plants that grow literally all over the world  . They are  rich in vitamins and minerals and are a source of antioxidants  , proteins, fiber and essential fatty acids. They are also rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, as well as B vitamins, including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. They also contain vitamins A, C, E and K, and thanks to their properties  they are often used in herbal teas, supplements and decoctions, as well as garden fertilizers  .

Nettles to fertilize the soil

Nettle fertilizer  can be used to increase soil fertility and help improve plant health  . Contains a high amount of nutrients, such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, nitrogen and more.

It can be used to feed plants, improve soil structure,  reduce pest infestations, and help prevent plant diseases  . It is also useful for improving plant resistance to cold and drought. In short, a real panacea for a healthy garden, let’s find out how to prepare it.

Fertilizer preparation

To get an excellent fertilizer, you  must first obtain nettles  . These are plants that are safe to harvest, so put on some gloves and start mowing the amount needed for your garden.

Get a bucket to put the nettles in. The advice is to  cut the leaves into small pieces to facilitate the fermentation process  .

When you are finished,  pour some rainwater into the bucket  , without filling it to the brim as the fermentation will cause it to increase in volume. Then cover the bucket, being careful not to close it, so that the fermentation gases can escape freely.

Prepare a fertilizer with nettles

Once this is done, find a sheltered place for your bucket, because  you will have to wait 3 weeks for the fertilizer to be ready  , and normally the fermentation process gives off unpleasant odors. During the three weeks, remember to mix everything regularly every 3 or 4 days.

When you notice the absence of bubbles and foam, fermentation is complete and your fertilizer is ready. The compound is very strong, so  to use it is essential to dilute it in a ratio of 1:10  , or for one cup of fertilizer 10 cups of water.  You can use it to water your garden every 3 weeks  and in a short time you will see the fruits of well-nourished soil.