
Grow These 10 Vegetables At Home Endlessly

By liliaturcin5

Did you know that there are many vegetables to grow at home? Yes, you read correctly ! This is a good anti-waste tip because the vegetables you buy are not dead, far from it. Immerse them with their roots in water and let Mother Nature do its thing. Today, I’m explaining to you step by step how to regrow 10 vegetables at home. 1 – CELERY Credit: buzzfeed Use the core of the celery and put it in a container with a little water, in the light. All you have to do is wait! Celery is very easy to grow: this is good because it is one of the vegetables that contains a lot of pesticides. Might as well grow it at home! 2 – BASIL Credit: tipsos Many grasses can easily grow back. Make sure there is about 1 centimeter of stem. Then place the stems upright in a glass of water. When the new roots begin to sprout, transfer the herbs to a pot of soil and let the aroma spread. 3 – GARLIC Credit: mojerecepty When your garlic cloves start to sprout, the clove becomes bitter and difficult to digest. By placing the garlic clove in water, you can obtain shoots that can be added to salads, stir-fries or pastas. 4 – GREEN ONIONS Credit: urbannutritionist Green onions are the quickest vegetables to regrow, in just five days they regain a second youth. To regrow them, simply place the ends of the stems in a glass of water with the roots facing down. 5 – LETTUCE Credit: ecology-practice To regrow lettuce, keep the heart of your salad. Put a little water in a container. Place the heart of your lettuce in the container that you will place in the light. Good exposure to the sun is necessary. Change the water regularly. Wait a few days and you will see the first little leaves grow back. Wait a few more weeks and you will get a beautiful salad! 6 – GINGER Credit: amelioretasante You can take a leftover ginger root and plant it (making sure the “eyes” are up) in a shallow container with potting soil. Remember that ginger likes diffused light and a humid environment. After a few months, you can dig up the plant and harvest the root. 7 – FENNEL Credit: gardener-malin Fennel regrows easily from its remains. To give it a second life, keep the heart of the bulb and place it in a little water, in the sun. Wait a few days and you will then see small shoots appear on the side of the bulb. These are new fennels that are developing. 8 – CARROTS Credit: gammvert A little carrot top soup, what do you think? Because they too can grow infinitely. Place your carrot heads in a container with a bottom of water. Expose them to the sun and remember to change the water regularly. The tops will start to grow. You can leave them in water or plant them in the ground. 9 – CORIANDER Coriander is a delicious herb, ideal for adding a little exoticism to dishes… But when it grows directly in the kitchen, it’s even easier to use it to concoct real little culinary masterpieces ! As we saw with basil, simply place the cut stems in a glass of water so that they develop roots. When these are large enough, you can plant in a small pot. In just a few weeks you’ll start getting new leaves, and in a few months you’ll have a whole plant! 10 – THE GROWTH OF POTATOES AND SWEET POTATOES Credit: mojerecepty There is a very specific technique for growing potatoes indoors. Cut one into fairly large pieces, pricking the ends with a toothpick, before placing them in a glass of water. The goal ? Keep part of the potato in water (so that the roots develop) and another in the open air (so that the leaves develop). It will germinate in no time.