
Goodbye weeds by applying this homemade preparation

By liliaturcin5

Having a garden means enjoying the beauty of nature in the comfort of your home. However, keeping that special corner free of weeds can be a challenge.

These undesirable tenants not only affect the aesthetics of the space, but they also compete with our plants for essential resources such as light, water and nutrients. In addition, they can be the breeding ground for pests and diseases.

Fortunately, there is an effective and ecological solution to keep them at bay. Below, we present a homemade method that will not only protect your garden from weeds, but will also take care of your pocketbook and the environment.


  • 3 deciliters of vinegar
  • 1 liter of hot water
  • 1 tablespoon natural dishwashing detergent
  • Table salt to taste


  1. In a container, mix the vinegar with the hot water. This combination acts as a powerful growth inhibitor for weeds.
  2. Add the dishwashing detergent. This addition allows the solution to adhere effectively to the weed leaves.
  3. Add a pinch of salt to the liquid. Salt accelerates the dehydration process of invasive plants, interrupting their growth.
  4. On a sunny day, spray the solution on the weeds, trying to do so when the sun is at its highest to maximize the drying effect.

This natural method avoids the need to resort to chemical herbicides which, although effective, can have long-term harmful effects on the soil, plants and living beings that inhabit the garden.

While this method is powerful, it is crucial to be persistent and apply it regularly, especially after rainy days. In addition, it is advisable to complement this solution with manual techniques, such as uprooting larger weeds.

For those who prefer a visual approach on how to apply this solution, the NATURAL HEALTH channel offers a detailed tutorial that will clear up any doubts about the proces