
Place 4 candles in your pan and you will have a unique result

By liliaturcin5

Have you ever thought that a frying pan and a few candles could give you more than just light?

Today, I bring you a trick that will not only provide you with warm light, but will also flood your ho

Get ready to be surprised with this inexpensive homemade trick!


  • 4 candles
  • 2 lemon slices
  • 3 slices of tangerine
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Some cloves
  • A few drops of essential oil


  1. Start by placing the 4 candles in your pan. Heat over medium heat for about 3 minutes or until softened and melted completely.
  2. While the candles are melting, take the lemon and tangerine slices and set them aside.
  3. Once the candles are completely melted, carefully remove the wicks. Reserve one of them and wrap it with the help of a toothpick or a cinnamon stick to keep it firm and centered.
  4. Add the lemon slices, tangerine, cinnamon stick and cloves to the melted pan.
  5. Add a few drops of the essential oil of your choice to enhance the aroma.
  6. Once everything is well mixed, allow the candle to cool for a few minutes, until it solidifies again.
  7. When the wax is solid, use scissors to cut off the excess wick.

And ready! Now you have a beautiful scented candle perfect for the Christmas festivities. Although, if you prefer, you can use it at any time of the year to fill your home with a welcoming aroma. It’s an inexpensive and charming way to add a special touch to your space.

The next time you receive visitors, light your candle and wait for the compliments. And if they ask you the secret, don’t hesitate to share it.