
How to keep scorpions away: all the tips to follow at home

By liliaturcin5

With these tips you will keep them away from your house.

Scorpions  are creatures that can be risky. There are over 2000 different types of scorpions in the world, and some of them can kill a person. However, scorpions found in Italy are generally not dangerous.

You may notice their presence in the house. They are small animals that stay away from light and noise, so they mainly come out at  night  to look for food.

To remove them from our domestic environments, a series of  measures  can be put into practice in order to avoid creating  favorable conditions  and therefore attracting them into the  home .

For this reason, there is no need to immediately resort to industrial products that can harm them and the environment.

Let’s see what to do.

  1. Ventilation:  scorpions are animals that prefer humid places, for this reason it is advisable to ventilate domestic environments as much as possible by opening doors and windows for several hours during the day.
  2. Avoid what attracts them:  loving humidity, an important source of attraction for scorpions is water. So try not to leave water in sinks or saucers when watering your plants. In addition, it hunts insects such as spiders and ants that scorpions feed on.
  3. Eliminate hiding places:  If you notice any cracks or holes in the walls, it would be advisable to plug and/or close them. In fact, these small, dark, damp ravines are the ideal environments for their hiding places.
  4. Insecticide:  if you notice their presence in the house and you cannot eliminate them in any other way, you can always use natural insecticides to apply in the affected areas, so that the smell keeps them away.