
Jump-starting spring     

By liliaturcin5

With the benefits of ribwort plantain

Power and energy reserves are coveted and in demand everywhere. Let’s just consider how many efforts are now being made to continue to have enough electricity and fuel available in the future, which are necessary for all areas of our lives. Our organism also needs energy to keep its cycles and functions running.

The ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata), which I would like to remind you of today, holds a lot of promise in this regard. In its leaves, this medicinal herb stores ingredients such as glycosides, mucilage, silicic acid and astringent tannins. Ribwort plantain has been shown to have healing effects, for example: B. as beneficial for the respiratory system. We also know from practice that it has anti-inflammatory power, which can have a good effect, among other things, in the aftercare of insect bites. From the inside out, ribwort plantain strengthens the entire body, which is subject to weakness for various reasons – for example after illness or exertion. To get a fresh start, it makes sense to prepare and consume a tea made from the leaves. Let’s not forget about the advantages that are often waiting to be used in our own garden.

Tea with ribwort plantain

Scald 2 teaspoons of dried and chopped plantain leaves with 1/4 liter of boiling water. Cover and let sit for 15 minutes. Now strain, let cool to drinking temperature and, ideally, stir in 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey. Drink up to 3 cups of this tea in sips over a few days. This is not only good for the respiratory tract, but also helps to strengthen the entire body and give it new energy. www.kraeuterpfarrer.at