
How to prepare sugar-free fennel jam: light and tasty

By liliaturcin5

Sugar-free fennel jam is an unusual but surprisingly delicious delicacy that can bring a touch of originality to your table. Not only is it a healthy alternative to traditional jams, but it also offers a unique and refined flavor that can enrich many dishes and snacks.

Fennel is a vegetable with a distinctive taste that combines sweetness and freshness, and also offers numerous health benefits. It is rich in fiber, vitamins (like vitamin C and vitamin K), and essential minerals like potassium and calcium. Additionally, fennel is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help support the immune system and promote digestive health.

Making sugar-free fennel jam allows you to enjoy all these benefits without the disadvantages associated with added sugar. Reducing your sugar intake can help you control your blood sugar levels, maintain a healthy body weight, and reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Sugar-free fennel jam recipe


  • 500g of fresh fennel, cleaned and cut into pieces
  • Juice and zest of an organic lemon
  • 1 green apple, peeled and cut into pieces (the apple acts as a natural thickener and adds sweetness to the jam)
  • 1 cinnamon stick (optional, but adds depth to flavor)
  • Water, to taste (to lightly cover the fennel during cooking)


  1. In a large pot, add the chopped fennel, green apple, lemon juice and zest, and cinnamon stick (if desired).
  2. Add enough water to lightly cover the fennel.
  3. Bring everything to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 30-40 minutes, or until the fennel is soft and the fruit has reduced to a jam-like consistency.
  4. Remove the cinnamon stick and use an immersion blender to blend the mixture until smooth.
  5. Taste the jam and, if necessary, add more lemon juice to balance the flavors.
  6. Transfer the jam into sterilized jars and seal hermetically.
  7. Store jars in the refrigerator and consume within 1-2 weeks.

How to serve fennel jam

This unusual jam lends itself to multiple uses in the kitchen. Here are some ideas to enjoy it at its best:

  • Cheese dressing: Serve alongside fresh or aged cheeses for a unique contrast of flavours.
  • Topping for crostini: Spread jam on toasted bread and top with goat’s cheese or cured ham for an elegant appetizer.
  • Accompaniment for meats: Use it as a sauce to accompany grilled white or red meats.
  • Dessert ingredient: Use it to fill tarts or baked desserts for an unusual but delicious touch.

Sugar-free fennel jam is an intriguing culinary choice worth trying. With its unique flavor and numerous health benefits, it can become a permanent presence in your kitchen, enriching your meals with flavor and vitality