
How to prepare aloe vera juice step by step

By liliaturcin5

The aloe vera leaf is an ingredient widely used in homemade recipes, since it influences the relief of different discomforts in the body, it is also useful in beauty by caring for the skin and hair.

But juice in particular is one of the alternatives that has become quite popular to support the proper functioning of the body.

It is a thick and sticky liquid that has a mild flavor, so it is tolerable and you can add it to other types of drinks to complement the nutrition.

It stands out for its content of vitamins B, C, E and folic acid, as well as small amounts of calcium, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc.

Consuming it is a good way to prevent or treat dehydration, since it is a water-dense plant and staying hydrated favors the process when it comes to detoxifying. It is even a good option after an intense workout.

It also helps with constipation and normalizes healthy bacteria, which keeps the intestinal flora balanced.

Moisturizing aloe vera juice reduces the frequency and appearance of acne, in addition to helping to reduce conditions such as psoriasis and dermatitis. The presence of antioxidants and vitamins prevent fine lines and wrinkles.

Obtaining a healthy drink based on aloe vera or aloe vera gel is very easy, it requires 5 minutes and few ingredients. In addition to promoting hydration and the appearance of the skin, drinking this drink can relieve heartburn attacks, since its compounds help control the release of acid in the stomach. Its effects even combat gastric ulcers and prevent them from enlarging.

See Also Papaya Diet to Lose Weight and Cleanse Your Body.- Aloe contains enzymes that help in the breakdown of sugars and fats to maintain digestion without major inconvenience.

Remember that if your digestive system is not working well, the absorption of nutrients from food will be compromised. It is important to keep it healthy to reap the benefits of the diet.

First step: You must wash about 10 cm of aloe vera leaf very well and then dry it, since it secretes a yellowish liquid that is harmful to health, it can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting and be toxic in people allergic to latex . It is also important to get rid of dirt.

Second step: Use a sharp knife so you can cut the sides and separate the leaf, then remove any yellow residue that is released when slicing the plant. You should be left with just a clear, sticky substance, with no yellow or greenish spots. Use immediately or store in an airtight container for a couple of days. Although it is best to take advantage of it while it is fresh.