
Strong and exuberant geranium: with the nurseryman’s trick it comes to life immediately | Go put this ingredient in the jar!

By liliaturcin5

One of the most beautiful and widespread flowers in Italy is the  geranium , but how to make it  healthy and lush ? How to revive the chromatic tones of flowers and make the green of the leaves even brighter? Here are the  good tips from the expert nurseryman : simply add a tablespoon of a certain  natural and ecological ingredient to fortify the plant.

Geranium, these are the characteristics of this wonderful plant

Before discovering the nurseryman’s trick to  fortify and invigorate geranium,  you must find out what its characteristics are. The geranium belongs to the  Geraniaceae family , it is a plant native to southern Africa, which was imported to the Old Continent at the beginning of the 18th century. Geranium is a herbaceous perennial plant and there are more than 200 varieties, including imperial geranium, zonal geranium, ivy geranium,  Parisian geranium and fragrant geranium.  The geranium plant is colorful, fragrant and elegant, but  it is also prey to pests, including red mites, aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, caterpillars and rusts.

Geranium, dry leaves and flowers: the nurseryman’s trick to have a strong and lush plant

If you want to  invigorate and fortify the perennial geranium plant , you must follow certain tricks from the expert nurseryman . If you notice  dry leaves, it is necessary to remove them  immediately with the help of garden shears. It is good  to use clay soil to fertilize the plant . To water the plant,  it is necessary to water it with a little warm water,  always during the summer season. During the winter season, frost and cold temperatures tend to “ burn” the leaves and flowers.

The geranium plant should be placed away from heat sources, it should not be exposed on the windowsill in direct contact with sunlight and it should be kept  away from the heat of  radiators.

As for  pruning geranium , it should  be done during the spring season and it is necessary to remove dry and withered stems.  There is a  natural, ecological and economical ingredient  that allows you to grow geranium in a healthy and lush way. What ingredient is it?

Healthy and lush geranium – add a tablespoon of this ingredient to the jar

Lush geranium

There is a  natural ingredient  that allows you  to fortify the geranium plant:  we are talking about cornstarch  or cornstarch . It is a very fine white powder that is obtained from corn kernels through a wet grinding process.

Corn starch allows you  to protect yourself from all forms of pests, including worms and aphids.  With this natural ingredient, corn starch allows you  to restore moisture  and promote the development of root crops. Simply  add a tablespoon of cornstarch to the jar  to eliminate any type of pest. The geranium plant will become stronger, the flowers will immediately be bright in color and the leaves will also be bright green.