
This little-known fruit protects the heart and slows aging

By liliaturcin5

The strawberry tree is a typical autumn forest fruit, the fruit of which can be recognized by its round shape, rough skin and color that becomes increasingly red as it ripens.

The fleshy pulp of the strawberry tree has a sweet flavour, with a touch of bitterness, which makes this fruit perfect for the preparation of dozens of dishes.

Few people know, however, that the strawberry tree has a rich composition which makes it one of the healthiest fruits of autumn. Below we list its main benefits.

  • The leaves of the strawberry tree are mainly used as an antiseptic on the urinary system, in case of infections, cystitis, urethritis and prostatitis.
  • They are also useful against diarrhea and to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Externally, the leaves can be used as a mouth antiseptic and astringent against infections and bleeding gums.
  • Strawberry tree fruits, rich in pectin, help reduce cholesterol and blood sugar.
  • Vitamin P from the strawberry tree strengthens the capillaries and increases their permeability.

Natural remedies with strawberry tree

Diuretic herbal tea for urinary tract infections

The leaves of the strawberry tree release hydroquinone, which has antiseptic properties. To prepare it you need to mix equal parts of strawberry tree leaves with plants with similar characteristics, such as horsetail or star anise.

They are brought to the boil in half a liter of water for a couple of minutes, then left to cool and drunk throughout the day.

Infusion for irritable bowel syndrome

The same recipe detailed above can also be used to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Mouthwash for mouth infections

Mix two equal parts of strawberry tree leaves and thyme, bring to the boil for two minutes and leave to cool.

Use the solution to gargle and rinse your mouth.