
The spontaneous plant that eliminates parasites, reduces abdominal swelling and is delicious in the kitchen

By liliaturcin5

Nature is an inexhaustible source of beneficial resources for humanity, and among the many plants that enrich our lives, the common meal ( Chenopodium album ) stands out for its numerous benefits and versatile uses.

This plant, also known as “ farinaccio ,” is a precious resource that has played a significant role in the history and cuisine of many cultures. Let’s explore all its advantages and uses together.

Benefits of common flour

1. Rich in essential nutrients:

The common meal is a significant source of essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium. Including this plant in your diet can help maintain good overall health.

2. Antioxidant Properties:

The antioxidants present in common flour help fight oxidative stress in the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and premature aging.

3. Anthelminthic properties (against parasites):

The flour has anthelmintic properties, that is, capable of helping in the elimination of various types of worms and parasites.

4. Anti-inflammatory Properties:

Bioactive components present in common meal have demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties, offering potential benefits for those suffering from inflammation-related conditions.

5. Carminative and digestive properties:

The common flour was used in the past to alleviate digestive and intestinal problems, thanks to its carminative properties. In fact, it is very useful for promoting the expulsion of intestinal gas, but also for stimulating digestive functions.

How to consume flour

1. Herbal tea:

The most common use of farinello is in the preparation of a herbal tea using its leaves. Just boil them for 7-8 minutes, filter the liquid and drink it.

2. Flour:

Its small, nutritious seeds can be ground to obtain a flour rich in protein and fibre. This flour can be used in the preparation of various baked goods, such as bread, biscuits or cakes

2. Other uses in the kitchen:

The flour can be used for the preparation of salads, sautéed in the pan or to make the filling for ravioli.

5. Natural Fertilizer:

Cornflower plants, when used correctly, can help improve soil quality due to their deep root system and decomposing leaves.

The common flour is a plant with multiple qualities that offers a variety of benefits for human health and finds different applications in cooking, traditional medicine and agriculture.

As with any natural resource, it is essential to use this plant in a sustainable way, respecting the balance of the ecosystems in which it is found.