
Azzeruola: the forgotten fruit which is a concentrate of therapeutic properties

By liliaturcin5

The azzeruolo is a very ancient shrub, native to the entire Mediterranean area and also widespread in Italy. Our ancestors were fond of its fruit, but its consumption today has been reduced to such an extent that it has become part of the list of “forgotten fruits”.

Azzeruole have a taste similar to that of medlars, are rich in vitamin A and have laxative, diuretic and anti-anemic properties.

One hundred grams of azzeruole contain approximately 32 calories, which is why this fruit is recommended for slimming diets.

Blueberries also contain numerous antioxidant compounds, which help counteract the effects of free radicals and premature aging .

Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants contained in this fruit, and is important for increasing defenses and protecting us from viruses and bacteria.

Azzeruola extract, on the other hand, helps stimulate collagen production and improve the appearance and health of the skin .

This excellent fruit also helps regulate blood sugar levels, prevent diabetes and reduce the risk of obesity.