
Plants, How To Water Them For A Month Without Cost: The Method Used By Farmers

By liliaturcin5

With this method, you can water plants for almost a month without spending money. Many farmers use this method: we will show you how to do it below. Potted plants in the garden need water. When summer comes and the rains fail, you must never forget them otherwise they will die. If you are planting vegetables then water is really essential to make the plant grow but also to have tasty fruit. Precisely for this reason we want to show you the farmer’s method to water the vegetable plants in your garden effortlessly and free for about a month. You won’t have to go there every day to water them but you will just need to go there from time to time to check that everything is working correctly. Below in the next paragraph we will show you everything in detail about how to perform this method. You will not have to buy absolutely anything because we are going to use a very common object in the house. Here are all the details you need to know. Combine and it will be an internal line that will serve as a guide to know the position in which to put the bottle on the plant. Slightly below the line, about 7 centimeters from the bottom, make a point that you will need to pierce. You can do this with an awl or with heated spun iron. The hole should be small and not too big. At this point, fill the bottle with water. Not all of it, but up to the start of the previously drawn line. Now close the bottle by tightening the cap tightly. It’s time to place the bottle near the plant. 2. Placement of the bottle in the ground You can use this method in the garden and you need to get closer to the plant and lightly dig up some soil to put the bottle in it. The bottle must be buried up to the starting point of the line drawn previously. Consider turning the side of the bottle with the hole toward the plant. Now cover with soil again. Then open the cap and fill the bottle completely. Now close with the cap. As soon as the bottle is closed, the water level will stop dropping and will only come out again at the request of the plant or when the soil is dry. He will fall into tears. This way you are sure that your plants will always be watered and you will not have to think about going to water the plants every day. This method is particularly suitable for vegetables planted in the garden. But there are also other methods for potted plants, such as bottle and string. Doctor’s Simple Way To Remove A Hanging Belly Works Immediately Strength Pelvic Floor: 3-Step Movement Sequence Relieve Years Of Bladder Leakage