
Ideal position of toilet paper in the bathroom to avoid infections and diseases

By liliaturcin5

The perception that toilet paper in public bathrooms and at home is dirty may be due to several factors. Some possible reasons include:

  1. High traffic: Public bathrooms often have high foot traffic, which can lead to a higher frequency of toilet paper refills. Sometimes it may not be replaced as quickly as it is used up, giving the impression that it is dirty.
  2. Lack of maintenance: In some cases, lack of proper maintenance can contribute to public restrooms appearing less hygienic. Insufficient cleaning or lack of supplies can affect the quality of toilet paper.
  3. Poor paper handling: Users can also contribute to the perception of lack of hygiene. If toilet paper is not handled properly, it can be exposed to dirt and germs. The way it is positioned can influence this.

As for the idea that paper should be attached to the wall to avoid infections and diseases, it is real. Few people know that toilet paper is the dirtiest thing in the bathroom. Fecal germs and bacteria go into the air and settle right there. The ideal would be to avoid using them , but you can’t, especially if you don’t have tissues with you. So the least you can do is use it whenever it is as far away from the toilet, specifically close to the wall.