
How to make pesto to keep in the refrigerator and accompany dozens of dishes

By liliaturcin5

We can even prepare enough to keep in the refrigerator and have it available for our meals.

Let’s see below the necessary and basic ingredients of the recipe and all the preparation:


  • 50 gr. of Basil
  • w/olive oil
  • 20 gr. Walnuts (Optional)
  • 2 tbsp. grated cheese (Parmesan)
  • Coarse salt
  • 2 cloves of Garlic

How to make Pesto?

1) First, we peel the garlic cloves and crush them in a mortar with a little coarse salt. Let’s remember that we have to obtain a pasty texture.

2)  Then we gradually add the basil leaves and some grains of coarse salt, mash everything and repeat the procedure as many times as necessary until we finish with the basil. We also add a few grains of coarse salt.

3)  Now we add the walnuts and crush until they are well ground, add the grated cheese and combine all the ingredients.

4)  This step is essential, we are going to alternate between splashes of olive oil and crush the ingredients, we repeat it until we achieve the desired texture.

Now we have this tasty  Pesto sauce ready,  we can use it for the food we like the most!

Tips and Tricks:

  • If we don’t have a mortar, we can process all the ingredients in the mini blender.
  • Another recommendation is the cheese that we are going to choose, if we get Parmesan cheese, much better.
  • If we have the possibility of getting sea salt, it is undoubtedly the best choice, in any case with coarse salt it can be prepared very well.
  • Regarding the oil that we are going to use, without a doubt, extra virgin olive oil is the best option.
  • To maintain the tradition and as has always been done we have to use a mortar, it will also take little time and we can leave the sauce more or less fine to our liking.
  • Having a little warm water at our disposal is very helpful when preparing the pesto. We say this because when preparing the sauce and if it is too thick, what Italians usually do is add a few tablespoons of warm water from the cooking with which we have boiled the pasta. This helps to lighten it and achieve the desired texture.
  • As a last suggestion, if we want to blanch the garlic, we place it in a saucepan with cold water over medium heat. When the water begins to boil, we remove the garlic cloves and remove any remains of the skin. We also reserve it on absorbent paper. We now have it ready to be used in the preparation of the sauce, this will make all its flavor come out and it will be better for our digestion.