
A new method for making healthy STRAWBERRY jam: without gelling agents and boiling

By Lilia

This jam is really very tasty and healthy.

You don’t need any gelling agents to make it.

On the other hand, it is extremely tasty and also healthier than those in the store.

Whoever tries to bake it in the oven will definitely not do it any other way.

We will also make jam with rhubarb, but you can make just pure strawberry, it’s up to you.

Baked strawberry jam (basic recipe)

We need:

1 kg of strawberries

The recipe is without sugar, for those who use it, put 250 grams of sugar (if the strawberries are sweet, put less)

1 tablespoon of lemon juice

2 tablespoons of rum

a little vanilla


The amount of sugar in this also depends on how sweet the fruit is.

In this way, you can also prepare jam from apricots, raspberries or other fruits.

It is clear that we usually add sugar to sour fruits.

If you are going to make more, just increase the ratio of the remaining ingredients.

We clean the strawberries.

Let them dry on a paper towel.

We spread them in a baking tray and sprinkle them with lemon juice.

Mix and put in an oven heated to 220 degrees.

Bake for 20 minutes.

Then remove the strawberries and add sugar if desired.

Bake at the same temperature for another 15 minutes.

Then we take out the strawberries, cover them with rum, add vanilla and again, without stirring, let them bake for another 10 minutes.

We recommend not turning on the fan to prevent the strawberries from burning.

That is all.

Pour the hot jam into jars and close them well.

Turn upside down and let cool in a dark place.

Roasted strawberry jam with rhubarb

We need:

1.5 kg cleaned rhubarb

1 kg of strawberries

0.7 kg of classic crystal or cane sugar

vanilla pod.


Remove the large rhubarb leaves and peel the stalks.

Cut into 1.5 cm wide pieces and pour them into a larger baking tray.

Strawberries are washed, halved, sprinkled with sugar, a vanilla pod is added (if you don’t have one, you can replace it with vanilla sugar).

Place in an oven heated to 200 degrees and bake for about 35 minutes.

Stir 3 times during baking.

Then spread the mixture on the tray and pour it into jars while it is still hot. 

Close, turn upside down and let cool completely.

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