
How our grandmothers and mothers treated us with castor oil and soda

By Lilia

This exceptional product has a good effect on our health, its applications are unlimited. 

Holistic medicine very often tells us to use castor oil to treat a number of different ailments that are resistant to traditional therapies and methods. 

The disappearance of allergies is a fact if we take 5 drops of the oil in the morning.

Many types of wounds, such as abrasions, bruises, literally evaporate when we treat them with the oil.

Massage the oil on your belly during the last two months of your pregnancy to prevent stretch marks. 

When you injure your leg, you apply a bandage with the oil overnight, in the morning everything will be gone.

The hearing loss disappears after a few drops of the oil. 

Cataracts – 1 drop of the oil in the eyes every night before bed works wonders. 

A pilonidal cyst disappears with the help of the oil.

Castor oil and baking soda can lighten brown spots on the body.

Eye allergies are horrendous, you rub the oil into your eyelids before bed.

When your back hurts, especially in the lower part, apply once a week.

It helps with chronic diarrhea and strengthens the stomach.

In case of a problem with the vocal cords and a chronic illness, do compresses for 3 months.

For 4 weeks, 8 drops of oil are taken orally for the disappearance of tinnitus. 

Apply oil for 4 days and the warts disappear 

When you have calcium deposits on the soles of your feet, regular massage with the oil and they disappear.

When you apply castor oil and soda there are observations that skin cancer disappears.

You stop snoring after 2 weeks of castor oil treatment on the abdomen.

A bee sting quickly goes away after massaging with the oil.

Hair starts growing faster with a daily oil massage for 20 minutes before shampooing.

This is how we can make compresses with castor oil

Castor oil compresses are quick and uncomplicated and extremely effective. 

Buy cold pressed butter. 

Take nylon, gauze or cotton cloth, cheesecloth, hot water bottle and terry cloth.

Clean the skin with a baking soda solution before applying the compress.

Soak the gauze in well-warmed oil and place it on the affected area. 

Cover with the nylon and place a thermophor on top. 

Wrap with the towel and let the compress work for at least 1 hour without moving.

You can do the compress for 40 days when you warm the castor oil, if it smells or changes color, replace it with a new one.

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