
Not only will the entire floor smell, but the bugs will never come back

By Lesia

Keep insects away naturally

Let’s be real,  no one particularly likes the presence of insects in the house  . Most of the time  , we try to intervene using sprays and chemicals  . Obviously, in addition to being harmful to the environment, they can also be harmful to people, since they contain various toxic substances. It is no coincidence that on the packaging there is always a warning to use in a ventilated area, or in any case to ventilate the rooms in which certain products are used.

Although chemical remedies available on the market are considered the most effective and reliable, there  are many natural methods suitable for repelling insects excellently  . Basically, washing the floor regularly with a mixture of two simple ingredients will help keep away both terrestrial insects like cockroaches and ants, and flying insects like flies and mosquitoes.

Keep insects away

Finding insects in your home is completely normal, especially as summer approaches. come on, these little unwanted guests are mainly looking for food or places to nest. It is therefore essential above all to maintain order and cleanliness and to avoid letting them find leftover food. Then you can move on to washing the floor. Let’s see together how to do it with two ingredients that will repel insects in a natural way.

Ingredients for washing the floor

The two essential ingredients  for creating a great bug-repellent floor cleaner  are yellow soap and apple cider vinegar.  The first, lesser known, is a type of  cleanser made from water, coconut oil and glycerin  . It usually comes in cubes and has a rather soft consistency. The second, on the other hand, is a well-known ingredient in kitchens and is used both for the preparation and seasoning of food and for cleaning. In this last area, in fact, it is formidable thanks to its natural degreasing power.

The natural repellent

Yellow soap  is a perfect ingredient for fighting insects  , because its pleasant scent for humans is actually decidedly unpleasant for insects’ much more sensitive sense of smell.

The  process of making a repellent detergent is very simple. Simply dissolve  30 grams of yellow soap in a basin filled with hot water  . Once dissolved, add a cup of apple cider vinegar. Mix everything well, soak the cloth, wring it out and  proceed to clean the floors  . In  this way, in addition to having created an invisible barrier that will keep insects away, you will have a fragrant, clean and perfectly degreased and disinfected floor.