
Walnut leaves against high blood pressure, high blood sugar, mycosis of the nails and rheumatism

By Lilia

Walnut leaf tea and tincture relieve a host of ailments

Young walnut leaves are good for your health.

The easiest way is to make a tea or just add them to the bath.

An excellent remedy for the stomach, they improve digestion, clear mucus and parasites in the stomach and intestines and generally strengthen the body.

They are also credited with the ability to lower blood sugar.

They support liver function.

Excellent for preventing and treating gingivitis (gargle).

They stimulate the body’s defense reactions against bacteria and viruses.

They have a positive effect on the function of joints, veins and ligaments.

They support the function of the pancreas, act against flatulence.

They are suitable for recovery after operations.

They lower blood pressure.

They clean the blood and treat eczema.

They have a bactericidal effect and are therefore also used to treat purulent wounds in the oral cavity.

They stimulate hair growth.

They strengthen the activity of the immune system.

They help to revive damaged skin.

They are also effective for mycosis of the nails.

Compresses relieve pain caused by rheumatism.

Warm compresses extract pus, heal wounds.

They are also used externally for inflammation of the oral cavity, periodontitis, excessive sweating, inflammation of the eyes, varicose veins, frostbite.

The strong decoction removes excessive sweating of the feet.

Walnut leaves have an antibacterial effect, so they are also used to treat inflamed gums and pus deposits in the oral cavity.

The walnut leaves are harvested from May to August when they are green.

Tincture to speed up digestion

Drink ½ teaspoon before main meals for 15 days.

Prepare as follows: place 2 tablespoons of dried and finely chopped walnut leaves in a glass jar.

Pour in 100 ml. alcohol. (vodka)

Close the container and let it stand for 10 days. 

The vessel is shaken several times a day.

Strain the tincture through cheesecloth and let it sit for another 6 days in the refrigerator.

Store in a dark place. 

The tincture lasts for 2 years.

Infusion for tired and inflamed eyes

Boil the dried walnut leaves for two minutes in boiling water and let them sit for another 20 minutes.

After cooling, strain.

Soak pieces of gauze and place them on the closed eyelids for about 10-20 minutes.

Repeat this several times a day using the same infusion. Warm it slightly before use.

Tincture of green walnuts

Pour one liter of crushed fresh green fruit or walnut leaves and 5 grams of finely chopped almonds with half a liter of alcohol. 

Let sit at room temperature for 2-3 weeks, shaking occasionally.

Drink one cup a day on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning to improve digestion or as a healthy aperitif.

Walnut leaf tea

Pour 1 teaspoon of walnut leaves (chopped) with 250 ml of hot water and let it sit for a while.

This tea strongly purifies the blood, helps the body with digestive problems, anorexia, intestinal parasites, but also with jaundice and even diabetes.

In addition, it slightly lowers blood pressure.

When used as a mouthwash, it helps treat sore gums.

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Source: buvarche.com