
A medicine that improves vision and calms the nerves

By Lilia

A medicine that improves vision and calms the nerves

Stress is the scourge of modern people in cities.

Constant fatigue, red eyes, nervous tension and insomnia complete the picture.

If you prefer natural and natural remedies for your health, then valerian sedatives will be an excellent solution for you.

To protect your eyes from diseases and especially glaucoma, you can benefit from the action of this medicine. 

It is easy to prepare and very effective according to herbalists and healers.

Even the ancient Greeks used this drink to strengthen the stomach.

The composition of the recipe includes only two ingredients that are easily available.

Ingredients needed:

valerian root – 50 g.

red wine (homemade) – 1 liter

Preparation and use:

You can buy valerian from any pharmacy, it should be powdered, so it is best to grind the root in a blender or coffee grinder. 

Then, take some glass container, put the resulting powder and pour the wine over it. 

Close the container with a lid and leave it in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. 

Shake the container periodically, maybe even every day.

After 14-15 days strain. 

Consume 1 tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals until the drink is finished. 

By the end of the reception, you will feel a significant improvement 

Visual acuity will improve, you will be more relaxed, your general well-being will also improve!

After taking this delicious medicine, neurosis and stress disappear, because this medicine has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and eliminates psychosomatics.

In part, it even treats urinary incontinence (urinary incontinence) if you simultaneously take infusions to strengthen the urethra.

If you drive during the day, take only once of the elixir – in the evening one hour before going to bed. 

It will help you relax, relieve tension and fall asleep.

Be healthy!

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