
Orchid without roots, the secret to making it reborn in a few days: how nurserymen do

By Lesia

Reviving orchids without roots is very simple. It only takes a few steps, here’s how.

Orchids are very particular plants and they are particular for their flowers.  Until a few decades ago it was an elite plant because it had to be kept at high temperatures and humidity. Over the years, many varieties have spread that adapt easily to colder European climates. Today, in fact, they are popular plants and easy to propagate in the home or garden.

Its origins are Asian and there are around 20,000 different species of orchids. And 650 different genres. Each variety has its own characteristics and specific needs.  The basic rule, however, to avoid letting an orchid die is not to expose it directly to the sun’s rays.  In fact, light exposure must be filtered, otherwise the flowers and leaves could burn.


So the orchid should not be watered too much. In fact, it is a plant that should not be drunk every day, but every 5/12 days (a little more often in the warmer season).  However, when you see that the orchids are starting to weaken, you should intervene immediately.

How to revitalize an orchid with dead roots

Often the weakening of orchids begins at the roots  . These must then be strengthened to bring the orchid back to life. The first thing you should do if the problem is in the roots is to take some scissors and cut all the damaged ones.

After you have done this operation, you should take a vase with good drainage and some gravel. The latter placed at the bottom of the vase will help to better drain excess water into the saucer.

orchid roots

Then, to bring life back to the orchid, but especially to the roots, a secret but very easy to find ingredient is added.  It is sand that you pour a little into the vase  . What you will need to make with the help of your fingers are small holes where you will insert the roots of the orchid.

Now it will be enough to water the plant after having placed it in the saucer that will collect the excess water. At that time it is good to put the plant in a sunny but ventilated place.  You will notice that the roots have grown when the plant appears to recover and bloom again. 

At that point it is time to transplant the orchid. It will be necessary to gently remove the orchid from the vase and clean the roots well. Then place it in a new pot where stones have been placed in the bottom for drainage.  And here the orchid is now reborn with a few simple steps.

Tips for caring for orchids

Here are some tips for the best care of orchids  . As we have already said, exposure to sunlight is very important. There are temperatures in which the orchid must remain: during the day they range between 20° and 22° and at night it should not drop below 16°.

You’ll know your plant is getting too much sun when the leaves start to turn yellow. Then it is better to move the plant to a north-facing window sill. However, the opposite can also happen, that is, lack of light and in that case the backgrounds will tend to be darker, in this case change location and place it in a sunnier one without direct sunlight.


While when it comes to watering, the orchid does not need a lot of water. The  advice is to water it at the beginning of the day by submerging the vase in a container of water for 5/10 minutes  , better if it rains since the one from the tap contains limestone.

Then it is important that the plant has adequate soil and there is a special one for orchids that is sold in nurseries or garden centers. Finally, fertilize the orchid from March to October about 2 times a month.