
How to graft a bush of roses that are different colors

By Lesia


  1. Two rose bushes of different colors.
  2. Sharp knife.
  3. Grafting tape.
  4. Paste to seal grafts.


  1. Select the Roses:
    • Choose two healthy, vigorous rose bushes with colors you want to combine.
  2. Choose the Grafting Method:
    • One of the most common methods is T-grafting. Make a T-shaped cut in the stem of the mother plant (rootstock).
  3. Make the Cuts:
    • Make a clean, quick cut to minimize tissue damage.
    • Make sure the cuts are as precise as possible so that the inner layers of the crust match up correctly.
  4. Graft the Rose:
    • Insert the cut end of the rose you are grafting into the T-shaped incision on the stem of the rootstock.
    • Secure the graft with grafting tape or garden tape. This helps keep the parts together while bonding occurs.
  5. Seal the Graft:
    • Apply graft sealing paste or graft wax to cuts to prevent disease entry and promote healing.
  6. Take care of the graft:
    • Place the grafted plant in a shady location for the first few days to minimize stress.
    • Water properly and care for the plant according to the needs of the rose variety.