
Take 1 scoop in the morning, it will improve digestion and help your liver

By Lesia

Every second our body is fighting against toxins, bacteria and viruses – but it can also suffer from the influence of unhealthy food and drink. 

From time to time it is good to help him deal with these negative factors. 

This ancient recipe will help cleanse your body, improve digestion, fight constipation and generally make you feel better. 

But that’s not all, a very welcome bonus is that faster digestion and metabolism also mean weight loss.

A home remedy that helps cleanse the body

You can easily and quickly prepare this preparation at home and always have it at hand. 

One spoon every morning is enough and amazing things will start happening to your body. You will help your health and that is the most important thing.


Boil 3 cups of water.

Add 150 grams each of raisins and plums, but without the pits.

Leave to simmer for another 15 minutes. 

Remove from heat and let cool.

How to take this mixture? 

One spoonful of this liquid is taken every morning on an empty stomach. 

After a few days, you will feel the first changes: there are no digestive problems and constipation, you will start to lose extra centimeters in your waist.

Why these ingredients?

Question 1:  

Why prunes? 

This natural product not only gently relaxes and cleanses the intestines and the entire body without chemicals, but also contains vitamins that supply the body with the necessary substances and nutrients.

Thanks to the fiber in plums, they remove excess fluid from the body and improve the absorption of vitamins. 

This product contributes to rapid weight loss and ensures high-quality intestinal microflora.

Question 2:  

Why raisins? The composition of this product is unique due to the presence of inulin, which removes harmful substances from the intestines, stimulates the kidneys and facilitates the work of the liver.

Prunes should be especially familiar to women over 40

Prunes are excellent, for example, for making homemade sweets (such as “chocolate prunes”), desserts, salads, meat, vegetables, hot dishes, such as filling for cakes and compotes. 

However, this is far from all. The power of plums lies in what they do for our health. 

Especially women before and during menopause should pay attention. 

Fresh plums are great, but…

Prunes represent the best of plums in “dried” form. 

To achieve approximately the same amount of nutrients and vitamins, you need to get more than half a kilogram of fresh plums. 

It can also happen that when you taste a less ripe fruit, it literally makes your tongue and entire mouth tingle. 

The taste is bitter and each bite is difficult to swallow.  

This unpleasant feeling is caused by tannin, which is not only unpleasant in taste, but can also cause stomach irritation. 

You can completely avoid this by eating prunes.