
My Father-in-Law Uses Vinegar in Ways I Never Dreamed of: 21 Tricks That Save a Lot of Money and Effort!

By Lesia

When you have your garden, you certainly enjoy it in every way. 

Or at least you try. So what spoils all the joy for all gardeners? Constantly returning weeds, ants, etc. 

In today’s article, you will learn what reliable tool will help. And not only against weeds.

And all you need is plain vinegar. 

You will be very pleasantly surprised at the results you can achieve using ordinary vinegar.

It will help hydrangeas and other acid-loving plants

Keep plants that require acidic soil, such as rhododendrons, azaleas, gardenias, happy with vinegar. 

Its effect is temporary but fast. Mix a cup of vinegar with five liters of water and pour into the soil around the plants.

Diseased trees can be saved

Our ancestors knew how to cope and thus save many valuable stone plants in gardens.

It is enough to cut the affected bark and rub the wound with crushed sage leaves, which act as a disinfectant.

You can also successfully use ordinary vinegar for disinfection.

Cleans earthenware

Clay pots acquire an ugly appearance over time due to the action of salts, calcium and minerals.

Twenty to thirty minutes of treating the dishes in a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:3 (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water) will rid them of all deposits.

Removes grass from pavements and sidewalks

Concentrated vinegar can kill grass and moss growing through cracks in fences or interlocking decking.

It is enough to apply a few times with a sprayer on the problem areas and the weeds are gone.

It will save you from the ants

Vinegar is very effective in repelling ants.

If there is an ant problem in the garden, flood the anthill or areas where the ant infestation is most intense with a 1:1 solution of vinegar and water.

The strong smell of vinegar makes ants avoid such places.

It repels many pests and unwanted guests

Many animals, such as rodents, moles, dogs, cats, rabbits, deer, hate the smell of vinegar, so they avoid it.

Unnecessary clothes are sprayed in concentrated vinegar, so it is recommended to hang them around the garden, trees, bicycles or create decorations from them, such as scarecrows.

We should regularly soak the textile in vinegar every 6-7 days for better results.

Extends the life of cut flowers

In a solution of a liter of water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, one tablespoon of sugar, the flowers will stay fresh and beautiful longer.

It rids the garden of weeds

You mix a solution of 3 quarts of vinegar (the higher the vinegar concentration, the better), a cup of salt, a tablespoon of lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons of dish soap.

You mix the solution and apply to the weeds with a sprayer.

You try to cover as much area as possible from the weeds.

The results of our ecospray should be visible within two to three days.