
Place a can of tuna behind the television and everyone will be surprised with the result!

By Lesia

Would you like to improve your television signal reception in an economical and creative way? Well you are in the right place!

In this article, I’ll show you step by step how to assemble a custom internal digital bass antenna using a simple tuna can. You will be surprised with the result!

Necessary materials

  • An empty and clean tuna can
  • Coaxial cable
  • Scissors
  • Scotch tape
  • An antenna connector (optional)


  1. Prepare the tuna can: Clean and dry an empty tuna can well. Remove the label and make sure there are no food residues left inside.
  2. Make a cut in the can: With the help of scissors, make a cut in the bottom of the can approximately 2 centimeters long. This cut will allow us to introduce the coaxial cable.
  3. Insert the coaxial cable: Insert the end of the coaxial cable through the hole you just made in the can. Make sure the cable is securely fastened and there is no slack.
  4. Secure the cable: Use tape to secure the coaxial cable to the tuna can. Make sure the cable is securely fastened and does not move.
  5. Position the antenna: Place the can of tuna behind the television, preferably near the window and in an elevated position. This will help improve television signal reception.
  6. Connect the coaxial cable to the TV: Connect the end of the coaxial cable to the antenna port on your TV. If necessary, use an antenna connector to ensure a proper connection.
  7. Search for channels: Once the antenna is connected, search for channels on your television. You may need to adjust the position of the antenna to get the best possible reception.

And that’s it! Now you can enjoy better image quality on your television thanks to this custom internal digital bass antenna. Experiment with different positions and settings for the best results.