
Nettle Cure: A Plant That Can Eliminate Any Disease!

By Lilia

What does nettle treat and how can it be used? That’s why it would be good to include it much more often in your menu.

The first traces of the use of this plant date back to the first century, when it was used as a cure for colds and general weakness of the body and as a powerful means of purifying the body. 

Nettle is an excellent diuretic and laxative. 

An exceptional remedy for swellings, irregular menstruation, bleeding, asthma,  pneumonia,  diseases of the spleen, gangrenous wounds and many other diseases.

In the 17th century, it served as an antidote for venomous animal stings and to treat stones and sand in the kidneys and urinary tract, skin infections, joint pain, gout and sciatica.

In Russia, nettle is traditionally used to treat liver and biliary diseases. 

In English and German herbal medicine, it is a valuable remedy for urinary tract inflammation and prostate problems. 

Due to the high concentration of iron in many cultures, it has long been used to treat anemia and lack of energy.

Nettle contains fibers that closely resemble those of hemp and flax, which is why it has held a special place in the textile industry for centuries.

Nettle is rich in vitamins C, A, K, B2.

Contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, flavonoids, tannin, chlorophyll, carotene, lecithin, phytosterol, acetylcholine and pantothenic, formic, acetic and silicic acids. Nettle root contains large amounts of iron.

If you are wondering what is the treatment of nettle, the following lines with the help of the search-2.blogspot.com portal will reveal this useful and important information to you.

Due to the high availability of magnesium, nettle is an excellent remedy for pain and muscle cramps, menstrual pain, as well as for general weakness, fatigue and exhaustion. 

The mineral silicon is very important for the health of the skin, which is why nettle is an indispensable medicine in phytotherapy to fight acne, eczema, herpes, lichen and fungus. 

Vitamin K helps prevent bleeding and is therefore recommended to regulate heavy periods as well as stop nosebleeds.

The lecithin found in nettles reduces joint pain, speeds up digestion and nourishes and strengthens hair. 

Improves memory and helps with sensitivity to changes in time.

Natural cure for anemia

It is used as a natural remedy to improve the blood and for better circulation. 

It is also rich in vitamin C, which naturally promotes better absorption of iron, so its use does not cause the usual side effects of taking iron supplements, such as nausea, diarrhea and stomach pain.

Purification of the body

It stimulates the work of the digestive system, accelerates the release of fluids, cleans the blood and urinary tract. 

Nettle helps to remove unnecessary uric acid from the body, so it serves as a folk remedy for gout. 

Nettle is a natural remedy for fighting parasites in the body.


It is recommended in the form of tea.

It is a great choice for the prevention and treatment of anemia in pregnancy and stimulates blood circulation. 

It supports the functioning of the kidneys, relieves stress, regulates the work of hormones and calms inflammation.

Thanks to magnesium, it reduces leg cramps and relieves labor pains. Helps reduce fatigue and exhaustion.

What else does nettle treat?

It can help with hemorrhoids and prevent postpartum hemorrhage. Promotes the formation of breast milk. 

Nettle tea is good to drink from the 2nd trimester and throughout the breastfeeding period. 

It also helps in hair regeneration and ensures healthy and clear skin.

By regularly taking nettle, you can prevent a number of diseases and alleviate and support the treatment of even more serious health problems. 

Therefore, include at least 1-2 cups of tea or nettle juice in your daily plan.

For the treatment of serious diseases, one or two glasses will not be enough. In this case, take up to two liters of the drink per day.

Nettle tea

Wash the nettle leaves well and cut them very finely, take  2 teaspoons of them . Pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. 

Cover and let it steep for about five minutes. After straining, the tea is ready for consumption.

Nettle compresses

Nettle compresses are extremely useful for relieving rheumatism and various inflammations. 

Nettle leaves are poured with hot water, after which a cloth or scarf is dipped in this mixture, which is then wrapped or placed on the affected areas.


It is used to relieve ailments such as cramps, fatigue, athlete’s foot and diseases of the circulatory system. 

Add about 200 g of nettles to a cloth bag (you can make your own from cheesecloth). Soak the nettle in a hot bath and leave it for ten minutes. 

Stay in the bath for at least 20 minutes. For a more pronounced effect after using the bath, do not take a shower. Do daily for about 4 months.

Nettle syrup

Homemade nettle syrup is an old panacea for blood stabilization, better kidney function, a natural drink that helps with asthma, allergies and hair loss. It is also known as a drink that cures anemia.


  • 40 nettle tips
  • 6 lemons
  • 3 liters of water
  • 300 years of copper


Soak the washed nettles and sliced ​​lemons in water for 24 hours. Then mix well and strain the liquid. 

Add the honey and let rest for another day until the ingredients are well mixed. Store in clean containers in the refrigerator.

Homemade syrup has a shelf life of 6 months. When consuming, it can be diluted with water.

Tincture of nettles

Nettle tincture is used for external and internal application. Natural cure for anemia and strong immunity. 

Helps fight urinary tract infections, viruses, flu and colds.

Alleviates allergic reactions, especially to pollen. 

An ally of the body in the elimination of excess fluid and promotes its purification and renewal.

For external application, a few drops of nettle tincture are rubbed into the scalp to strengthen the root and stimulate hair growth.


  • 20 g of dried nettle root
  • 100 ml alcohol (70%)

Pour alcohol over the root, cover and let stand for 14 days (shake occasionally).

Strain, pour into glass bottles and store in a cool, dark place.

Take 20-30 drops of tincture, diluted with a glass of water, three times a day.

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