
Foolproof trick to convert 1 bar of soap into 3 liters of liquid detergent

By Lesia

The classic bars of soap found in the supermarket were until recently the only option for doing laundry, strictly by hand. As time passed and the arrival of new technologies, such as the washing machine, their use increasingly declined, but they did not disappear completely.

There are those who still use bars of soap today, especially those from Marseille, as they are more effective for treating localized stains. In this article we explain how to convert a bar of soap into 3 liters of liquid detergent .

Liquid detergent is not only recommended to protect your hands, but also to avoid leaving residues on the laundry and because its use with the washing machine is more convenient and versatile. It has only one flaw: the cost which, at times, is very high.

You need :

  • 1 bar of Marseille soap
  • 120 ml of white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 3 liters of water
  • kitchen grater
  • clean bucket

Procedure :

  1. Grate the bar of soap into the bucket.
  2. Pour a liter of water until the soap is completely covered and let it sit overnight.
  3. The next day, pour the contents of the bucket into a pan, add the other 2 liters of water and mix with a wooden spoon. Then add the 120 ml of white vinegar and 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda.
  4. As soon as it starts to boil, turn off the stove and wait 10 minutes.
  5. Let cool for 20-30 minutes then pour into the final container.

Use liquid detergent in the same way as industrial detergent. You will see how your laundry will be cleaner and more fragrant.