
3 in 1 healing mixture: lose weight, heal the liver and stabilize the nerves

By Lilia

The recipe for the mixture, which improves not only the work and health of the liver, but also the whole body, is easy to follow.

Chicory has a beneficial effect on the liver and the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, it is also effective in other diseases. You will learn more about its composition and action from our today’s article.

How can you help yourself with many health problems with tea, which is not only useful but also delicious? 

A honey, chicory and cinnamon drink will actually do that.

If you are diabetic you may not add honey. The recipe of the Russian healer Dmitry Obgal will give you the opportunity to lose weight, normalize sleep and improve the functions of the liver and pancreas. 

Here’s how to prepare this extremely tasty and useful elixir.

With the help of the available ingredients, you will be able to prepare a medicinal composition that will make it possible to solve a number of health problems. 

You will need chicory, cinnamon and honey. Below you will find the recipe for preparing the healing mixture.

Healing tea for weight loss, treatment of the liver and nerves

Its regular use is a simple and effective method of treating:


liver problems;

problems with the pancreas;

reduces inflammation;

improves the condition of the intestinal microflora;

plus weight loss (due to the diuretic properties of the drink).

Vitamin B complex


Ingredients needed:

– chopped fresh chicory root – 1 teaspoon;

– Ceylon cinnamon – 1 teaspoon, if you have other cinnamon – half a teaspoon (can also use cinnamon sticks);

– water – 0.5 liters;

– natural honey – 2 teaspoons. (if you have diabetes you can skip it)

Chicory (root, whether dried or fresh) is added to the water and made into a tea. 

If the chicory root is fresh, boil a little longer. If it is dried, it is prepared like ordinary tea.

Boil the mixture (with fresh root) for 10 minutes. 

As it boils, remove from the heat and add the cinnamon. Leave to cool and pass through a strainer. Add honey.

Drink 100 grams of the drink at once, half an hour before meals.

This mixture will improve liver function

It can be used for diseases such as fatty liver, recovery from hepatitis, removal of the gall bladder or excess production of bile.

It will also help to reduce weight effectively

This has a beneficial effect both on steatosis of the liver and helps to improve the condition of diabetes, especially of the second type.

It is good to know that tea prepared in this way reduces inflammation

Chicory has a high content of polyphenols, due to which its root has a strong antibacterial effect, which also helps to reduce inflammation. 

Therefore, it is recommended to use this drink by people who suffer from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

It can also be used as a means that normalizes the intestinal flora. 

Chicory root contains high doses of inulin, which acts as a powerful prebiotic, i.e. as food for the beneficial intestinal bacteria. 

This action also strengthens his immunity. 

Inulin supports intestinal functions, improves digestion and prevention of gastrointestinal problems. 

On the other hand, the prebiotic effect of inulin in chicory inhibits the growth of potentially pathogenic microorganisms inhabiting the intestinal tract.

The drink, if taken for at least three months, helps with insomnia, relieves nervous tension and improves the ability to work during the day.

It is useful to include any physical activity according to your health condition. 

In combination with a slight change in the diet, as well as if certain dietary restrictions are observed, this tea will support your recovery much faster than you expected.

Contraindications and side effects

It should be noted right away that the effects of chicory products on the children’s organism have not been studied, therefore they should not be given to this user group. 

Also to be avoided by pregnant and lactating women; they are supposed to cause miscarriages. 

There is no data on whether the components of chicory are excreted in breast milk, so it is ignored as a precaution for infants.

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