
Snake milk treats serious skin diseases: infections, psoriasis, tumors, lupus, baldness, varicose ulcers, cancer, etc.

By Lilia

Snake milk (Chelidonium majus) is an extremely medicinal plant, despite the reservations some have about its internal use.

If you follow the exact dosage recommended by the specialists, there are no problems.

In this regard, the editors of search-2.blogspot.com recommend you to read the article on the correct way of taking this plant.

Now we will present you some valuable information about the external and internal use of the herb

Various authors prescribe snake milk preparations for dermatological diseases.

In ancient times, the plant was a known remedy for warts. People also use it in other situations, such as:

∗ dandruff

∗ swelling

∗ pain in the legs

∗ panaritium

∗ impetigo

∗ eye diseases

∗ snake and insect bites

Snake milk has natural antibiotic properties.

Fights infections with bacteria and viruses, such as influenza, herpes, liver and papilloma viruses.

It is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antitumor, cytostatic, cicatrizing, rubefiant and vesicant.

Helps remove warts. It is useful for a myriad of external conditions:

→ acne

→ tired eyes

→ spots on the cornea

→ inflammation or ulceration of the eyes

→ blepharitis

→ genital herpes

→ chronic skin infections

→ papilloma infections

→ candidal infections

→ infected with trichomonads

→ epidermophyta

→ fistula

→ lipomatosis

→ psoriasis

→ infected wounds

→ skin cancer

→ infectious eczema

→ tuberculosis of the skin

→ external tumors

→ varicose ulcer

→ old atonic wounds

→ venereal diseases

→ excessive hair growth

→ hirsutism

→ rheumatism


Snake milk can be used as a powder, infusion, decoction, tincture, juice or ointment.

Maria Treben.

The folk healer Maria Treben writes that the snake’s milk herb was once held in great esteem and that she used it to treat the liver, kidneys, eyes, blood purification, warts, lichen and others.

She combines the herb with various herbs such as nettle, chamomile, etc. She had one case of a monk who cured his eyes by following her advice and applying the herb. He was wearing glasses when she gave him the instructions and after a few months he didn’t need them. Besides, he had to dig up the roots of the serpent’s milk from under the snow frozen, even though it was winter and there was no green as in summer.

One of Maria Treben’s recipes is for purifying the body, it has a particularly beneficial effect on the liver, especially in the treatment of dangerous jaundice.

To perform it, you need 30 g of the herb, stem, leaves and roots and 500 ml of white wine. It is enough to let the medicinal plant soak for an hour in the wine and the natural medicine will be ready for use. It is used in sips. One way is to use 1 teaspoon or sip daily for 3 weeks or 3 teaspoons daily for 1 week.

It is also recommended to use snake milk tea with this recipe. The dose for medicinal purposes, which should not be exceeded, is one teaspoon per 250 ml of water. This is the amount for one day.

Root, stalk, juice of snake’s milk.

A juice can be made from the roots, stems and leaves of the medicinal snake milk when fresh in spring and summer. Just put it in the juicer and squeeze it. The intended amount for one day is only one teaspoon, no more. As mentioned, the snake’s milk herb is poisonous in larger quantities than specified. You can preserve the beneficial properties of the juice for 6 months by storing it in the refrigerator, but they will still decrease.

In folk medicine, there are 2 ways to extract snake milk juice:

The first way: fresh, recently collected stalks of the herb up to 15 cm, with the flowers and preparing juice for the winter. To prepare the juice, the collected mass of the herb must first be passed through a meat grinder, then it is carefully strained. The resulting juice must be stored in the refrigerator for three days and then another procedure follows – it is recommended to strain it through cheesecloth and pour it into a bowl, covering it with a lid that has small holes in it, in order to avoid gas accumulation in the jar during fermentation. Three weeks after that, the fermentation process of the juice is complete and the juice from the plant is left to be stored in the refrigerator until the next collection of snake milk.

The second way to obtain snake milk juice is: the stems of the plant 12-15 cm long should be carefully cut, together with the flowers, then pass them through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice, as in the first method of obtaining juice. Then you can add ethyl alcohol or vodka in the amount of 1 liter of juice – half a liter of vodka.

Tincture, extract, spirit extract, drops of snake’s milk.

Pick a whole plant and chop it finely. Put it in a large jar and add alcohol 70% to the level of one liter, close the jar tightly and let it remain like this for 2 weeks in a cold and dark place, shaking it from time to time. If you let the jar sit like this for 6 months, you will get a more concentrated tincture.

An extract of the herb is made by combining all its leaves, flowers, stems and roots and grinding them finely or mixing them with – water or alcohol or both. They are made from the fresh herb as it has the greatest power from the plant. This is how it is stored the longest. The active ingredients are thus preserved in the greatest concentration.

Snake milk with brandy.

With homemade brandy or ethyl alcohol or vodka, a snake milk tincture can be made. 200 g of dried or 600 g of fresh herbs are prepared and put in 1 liter of alcohol. As we said, homemade brandy is very suitable for the occasion. Seal the well-compacted mixture in the jar and let it stand in a cold and dark place for 2 weeks. From time to time during these days the jar is shaken. After this time, it is filtered and ready for use. Take 5 drops of the tincture three times a day, dissolving it in juice or water.

Ointment, cream, oil extract from snake’s milk.

A cream for smearing the herb is prepared by preparing and mixing equal parts of the lard often used for ointments and the juice of the medicinal snake milk. If you want, you can replace the lard with duck fat.

If you need a salve with snake milk juice, you can make it very easily. Add 5 g of snake milk juice to 50 g of lard and store in the refrigerator. It is recommended to add as much mallow juice as well. The ointment is smeared on the designated areas of the skin, which you will treat with the ointment 2 times during the day.

Snake milk ointment – second recipe. 

Prepare 20 grams of snake milk herb powder, 10 grams of lanolin, 70 grams of petroleum jelly. All the ingredients of the proposed recipe should be mixed well and applied to treat dangerous skin cancer (smear the affected areas 2-3 times throughout the day). This ointment is also very good and helps you deal with calluses, warts, papillomas. It is a good remedy for psoriasis, eczema and tuberculosis of the skin.

You can make an oil extract from its roots by pouring cold-pressed oil, olive oil or other oil to a jar with 100 g of roots up to the level of 1 liter, up to the top if it is a one-liter jar. Let the mixture sit like this in the jar for 7-10 days. It is used for psoriasis and other skin diseases.

Snake milk tea.

To prepare tea from the plant, you need fresh or pre-dried herb. Put 1 teaspoon of dried herb in a cup of previously prepared boiling water and leave it like that for 15 minutes to infuse. Snake milk tea is good for the liver, gall bladder, duodenum and bladder. It is used 3 times during the day in the amount of 100 ml for 5-7 days.

Enema with snake milk.

Enemas are helpful in a variety of treatments, especially bowel and benign prostatic hyperplasia called BPH, which occurs among older men. In order to stop the acute inflammatory process, it is necessary to drink 1 teaspoon of snake milk juice in half a tea cup of water every day for a week at any time convenient for you. Treating BPH with snake milk will be more effective when combined with an herbal enema of chamomile, sage and 1 tablespoon of the herb’s healing juice.

Snake milk – what cures.

It is used as an auxiliary medicine against infectious hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcer and polyposis, ulcerative colitis. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is a useful herb in the treatment of oncological diseases, because it has the property of purifying the body, and that is why it is also used in oncology. An infusion of the herb is recommended for widespread and dangerous breast cancer, an alcohol extract for cancer of our lungs, and an infusion also for stomach cancer.

It also finds applications in other diseases: toothache, stomach diseases, ear diseases, sinus diseases, joint diseases, arthritis and arthrosis, gout, pneumonia, bronchitis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, rhinitis, pyelonephritis, skin diseases, papillomas, warts, eczema, fungi , lichen, periodontitis, pyelonephritis and others.

Removal, treatment of warts, moles, corns, corns, condylomas, papillomas with snake milk.

One of the names of snake milk is wart herb. This shows that it was known in the past to treat warts. These formations are caused by the spread and action of the papilloma virus, and in this case they are not malignant, but benign. Snake milk juice works well for their treatment. Tear off a leaf from the plant and an orange-yellow sap will flow. Apply it to the warts, but spare the skin around them. Be careful not to get it in your eyes.

It is also recommended to first wet the wart and lightly scrape only the top layer of its surface with a sterile tool or pumice stone and then apply the juice. For the removal of warts, calluses and polyps from search-2.blogspot.com it is recommended to dilute the fresh juice in glycerol. Other sources write that undiluted juice is applied to warts and other skin growths.

In addition to applying the juice, it is also recommended to drink tea for warts. Mix 30 g of horsetail, 50 g of lemon balm, whip and nettle, 20 g of dandelion, popular in many countries, and a stalk of snake milk. Equal 2 tablespoons are separated from this mixture and put to infuse in a liter of boiling water. Consume one small glass before each meal.

For moles, the herb is applied in the same way by applying juice from it, freshly squeezed. Here, too, you need to take care of the skin and you can even protect it by applying baby cream to the areas around the moles, for example.

For the treatment of calluses, the same method is applied with the juice of the poisonous, but also healing, snake’s milk. However, it is also recommended to dilute it in glycerol.  

The famous papilloma virus is again responsible for the appearance of chicken thorn . Poor quality shoes create a good environment for its appearance. It must be treated in time when its symptoms are present, because it spreads quickly. The infection could also be caught in public places such as swimming pools. Snake milk juice is again recommended for its treatment. Snake milk works effectively with its medicinal substances.

To deal with papillomas and condylomas (and they are caused by the papilloma virus) you can use snake milk ointment. It is made as we described it above from 20 grams of the powdered snake milk herb, 10 grams of lanolin, 70 grams of petroleum jelly. All ingredients must be mixed well and smeared on the affected areas 2-3 times in 24 hours. The fresh juice of the discussed snake’s milk, mixed in equal parts with a glutinous tincture, which can be bought, is also beneficial.

Local treatment of warts and papillomas with snake milk is more acceptable to combine with the reception of decoction or alcohol tincture. The alcohol tincture is prepared for 2 weeks from half a liter of alcohol and 2 tablespoons of dried snake milk. Consume 10-15 drops before starting to eat for a period of one month.

Skin cancer.

In the treatment of the dangerous disease, fresh juice from the notorious snake’s milk diluted with glycerol is also used. The other option is to use the ointment described above, with which the problem areas are smeared 2-3 times a day. An infusion of the herbs calendula, nettle and snake’s milk is added to the therapy with the ointments at your request. Take equal amounts and grind and mix. One tablespoon of the total mixture is poured into a thermos with 300 ml of boiling water. It is consumed half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and as much in the evening before dinner. 

Neurodermatitis, rosacea, lichen, psoriasis, vitiligo, eczema.

In the treatment of neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and purulent inflammations, a decoction is made from the roots, which is added to the water in a bath. This is recommended for these ailments. Crush 100 g of roots and pour them with lukewarm or cold water, where they are left to soak for 2 hours and then boiled for half an hour on low heat. It remains to strain them and pour them into the bath in which the sufferer is immersed. This therapy lasts 12 days.

For eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and lichen , smearing with fresh juice of the snake’s milk plant and a bath with a decoction of its roots is also recommended. One of the names given by the people to the herb is lichen. This means that it was popular for treating lichen, one of its medicinal uses. Internally it is also useful to take as a 20% alcohol extract. Since the herb is also poisonous in overdose, be careful with the amount.

Eye herb.

It is recommended to anoint the eyelids with the juice of the discussed snake’s milk for curtain, trachoma and retinal problems. Care must be taken not to get the juice into the eyes. When performing the procedure, you should close your eyes and smear your eyelids in this position, with your thumbs from the inside to the edges. Maria Treben writes in her book about the successful application of this method for the eyes. She recommends it for curtain, weakened vision and for overworked eyes. The English-Jewish herbalist Juliet de Bairacli Levy recommends using the juice of the herb with milk for the eyes, as a mixture for anointing the eyelids, but you can also use it without the milk.


For depilation of certain places on the skin, smearing with juice of fresh and fresh plants is also done. You just need to collect snake milk from the mountain or other places and grind it through mixers or in a juicer to get the healing liquid. You can then keep it in the fridge and apply it to the areas of your skin that you would like to depilate. One of the reasons for excessive hair on women’s legs and arms and the appearance of facial hair is due to kidney problems.


According to modern research, poisonous snake milk not only purifies the blood and the body, but also fights cancerous tumors. It slows down their growth, and after operations helps against metastases. Herbalists also recommend it against new growths. Maria Treben also writes about the herb and its successful use against cancer. Therefore, the poisonous plant is also poisonous to cancer cells, not only to humans.

The snake milk herb is effective in treating cancer and other serious diseases

The yellow-orange juice in the herb is the most beneficial thing about it. It is contained more in the roots and less in other parts of the plant. Fungi, calluses, herpes, skin diseases, breast tumors, warts and others are treated painlessly with it. It is also suitable for children for external use. Problem areas should be smeared with it more often. The anti-cancer properties of this poisonous herb are now being actively researched, as a tincture of it has been found to protect against metastases.

Many researchers are of the opinion that snake milk can stop the development of tumors and cleanse the body of toxins released from it.

An infusion of snake milk is recommended to treat the deadly disease. One level tablespoon of it is put in a thermos and about half a liter of hot water is added to the herb. After about an hour and a half, strain and use 1-2 full spoons 30 minutes before meals.

In the case of oncological diseases of the internal organs, a recipe with an alcoholic tincture is used for their treatment.

A few flowers and leaves are placed in a jar or other container, but fresh, which are poured with ethyl alcohol so that it covers them. Allow the mixture to stand for a week and strain. Drink drops of the tincture according to a certain scheme. First, the dose for one day is mixed with 50 ml of water. At the beginning of the therapy, it is started with 20 drops once a day. Add one more drop each day until you reach 50 per day. After that, it is continued with one drop of the drug per day to reduce their amount until it reaches 20 drops per day again. The course of treatment is repeated after 2 weeks as desired.

Another variant of the recommended recipe is to take 5-10 drops per day during the first 3 weeks. In the following weeks, increase the dose by 10 drops per week until reaching 50 drops per day. The duration of treatment may need to be extended up to 6 months for more severe diseases such as tuberculosis and cancer. 

Recommended prescription in the treatment of widespread breast cancer.

In 1 liter of boiling water pour 1 full tablespoon of ground snake milk roots. It is allowed to stand for several hours and is consumed for half an hour 3 times before meals during the day. Prescription therapy is administered 10 days in a row and rested for 10 days; followed by 5 days of medication and 5 days of rest. This continues for 6 months and then rests for a month.

For lung cancer.

Leaves are torn from fresh stems of the herb and cut into pieces, placing them in a 3-liter jar at a height of 1 liter. The jar is filled to the top with alcohol. Let it sit well covered for 3-4 weeks in a dry and dark place. The alcohol tincture is drunk according to the scheme. Take half a teaspoon 3 times a day, applying for 2 weeks and resting for the same amount of time.

Stomach cancer.

Every day, one tablespoon of the herb is brewed for 15 minutes in 300 ml of water, and the amount is for one day. After it has cooled, it is drunk in three stages before eating. The treatment scheme is to drink the infusion for 10 days followed by 10 rest days; it continues with 14 days of drinking the infusion and 14 rest days; then 7 days of drinking and as many days of rest.

In addition to the infusion, an alcohol tincture is also used. The following recipe is useful: one part alcohol tincture of snake’s milk, 3 parts alcohol tincture of peppermint and 6 parts rose hip syrup. 2 tablespoons of this medicine are taken 3 times a day for 15 minutes as in most cases – before meals for 2-4 weeks.

General recommendations for the use of the snake milk herb.

To prepare an infusion of snake milk for the treatment of cancer, 1 tablespoon of the dried or raw herb should be prepared and ground. Put in 300 ml of boiling water in a thermos, then let it stand for 1 to 1.5 hours and filter. Take one to two tablespoons three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. This infusion is recommended to be consumed for internal organ cancer, skin tumors and colon polyps. The effect will be even greater if the juice of the herb or tincture is applied locally.

For this purpose, we can use snake milk ointment, which we wrote about above.

Prepare 20 grams of snake milk herb powder, 10 grams of lanolin, 70 grams of petroleum jelly. The ingredients are mixed and smeared on the affected areas two to three times a day. Fresh juice of the popular snake’s milk, mixed in equal parts with a purchasable tincture of gum, is also recommended.

An infusion with calendula, nettle and snake milk is useful against the growth of metastases. 

The herbs are mixed in equal parts and thoroughly ground and mixed. One tablespoon of the selected and mixed herbal mixture is prepared and placed in 300 ml of boiling water directly in a thermos. It is recommended to take half a glass of the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach, and the other half in the evening, before dinner.


Against fungi, the methods described so far are used for treatment by smearing the problem areas with fresh juice of the yellow herb and drinking the infusion at the same time. Instead of smearing with juice, you can also make a compress with an infusion of the herb. Itching occurs, but the area treated with the herb externally should not be scratched.


For kidneys, a recipe with white wine and snake milk by Maria Treben, which we described above, is recommended. It is also used as a tea and in any form with this medicinal herb, which is suitable and helps to expel kidney stones and other health problems related to them.

Nasal polyps.

Fresh juice from the recommended snake’s milk herb can be used against polyps in the nose. 1-2 drops are applied with a dropper and after the pinching has passed, the procedure is repeated several more times – 2 or 3 times. Some sources recommend that it be diluted with glycerol.

Make an infusion with one tablespoon of the plant in a glass of preheated water. Leave it covered to infuse for 2 hours. The next step is to strain it and it is ready for the washes. A syringe is filled with 5 ml of the infusion and injected gradually into one nostril and then into the other. It is preliminarily laid on one side. Don’t spray all of it, just a few drops at a time.

Liver, hepatitis.

For cleansing the important liver, Maria Treben’s recipe described above with white wine and the herb snake’s milk is again recommended. As supplements, it is good to use tea from the herb. In order to prevent overdose, put no more than a teaspoon in 250 ml of water.

Cirrhosis of the liver. 

Mix 2 parts of dried snake’s milk and 1 part each of yarrow, horsetail and yarrow. Twice a day, an infusion is made in 300 ml of boiling water, taking two full soups. spoons of this mixture and soak for 15-20 minutes. The drink is consumed before meals. You can also drink a small teaspoon of fresh juice of the herb three times a day, but there may be side effects, although the effectiveness will be higher.

For hepatitis. 

Prepare one dried root each of the plant and of the marsh wort. Two tablespoons prepared from the mixture are added to 300 ml of boiling water for an hour. The infusion is ready and is divided into 6 parts for drinking during the day. Treatment with this prescription lasts 2-3 weeks.


In case of any problems with the bile, the juice of the medicinal snake milk is also used. It can be used with the recipe with white wine, spirits, tea or snake milk infusion. We already wrote about their making and application above.


Alcohol tincture of snake’s milk is also recommended for fibroids. We wrote about her above. It is also beneficial for ovarian cyst.


The disease affects more men who work as drivers or with other work, with immobilization of the body. Enemas are used for their treatment. The herb should be prepared so that for every kilogram of body weight there is half a gram of snake milk. The herb is then infused with 10 times the amount of boiling water for 2 hours. If you weigh 80 kg, you will need 40 g of the herb to infuse with 400 ml of pre-boiled water. The patient must lie on his right side and the medicine is introduced with a pear or other similar means into the rectum. You should try to do this for several hours. Enemas with snake milk are useful not only for the treatment, but also for the relief of pain from hemorrhoids.

In addition, it is also suitable to drink the infusion of the herb described above and to smear the sore spot with an ointment of beeswax and juice of the herb. The wax is previously melted in a warm water bath and 5 grams of the juice of the poisonous snake milk plant is added.


Some people may be allergic to the herb. That is why it is recommended to do an examination before starting external treatment.

The plant is applied to a small part of the skin and left to act for several hours. If there is no itching, redness, burning or other side effects, you can use rostopasca safely.

Side Effects.

The medicinal herb snake’s milk should not be taken in large quantities because poisoning occurs. It is completely contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and small children. Its long-term use is not recommended because it can cause problems and a doctor’s consultation is recommended beforehand. If poisoning occurs, you should immediately stop taking the herb and wash your stomach. It is not suitable for people with severe mental illness and epilepsy.

Snake milk can cause severe irritation and inflammation of the entire gastrointestinal tract, and can lower blood pressure. In case of overdose or poisoning with the herb, the following symptoms have been observed: excessive thirst, heaviness in the head, stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, in rare cases, loss of consciousness or even hallucinations. This happens due to the fact that there is a sufficiently large number of alkaloids in the juice of the herb.

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