
Devesil heals the lungs, kidneys, and cleans the blood: HERE are instructions on how to grow it at home or in the garden

By Lilia

Devesil is a strong, hardy, perennial plant that has no natural enemies and can grow luxuriantly if you succeed and overcome the initial difficulties that may accompany planting.

Here are the issues and top growing tips.

Buy seeds from reliable producers.

Plant the seeds in the garden or in a pot.

Before sowing, soak the seeds in water for two to three hours and sift the soil before sowing.

A good growing solution is to use garden soil mixed with flower soil.

Devesil does not like clay or calcareous soil, it always needs soil that drains water well and is slightly compacted.

This is one of the necessary conditions for successful cultivation.

Another secret is to find the right moment when you decide to sow the seeds.

Either in the fall, from late October to mid-November, or in the spring.

Devesil is a hardy plant, very resistant to pests and diseases, but in the first months of growth it is delicate and sensitive, so if you plant it in the garden, protect the small plants with plastic wrap or plastic cover every night until the plant grows a little.

One of the details to consider when growing devesil is the amount of sunlight it is exposed to.

Devesil needs sun, but prefers morning and indirect light, which is better suited to shady and wetter areas of the garden.

Transplanting in a very sunny place can be fatal for the plant, remember that it must be protected from the rays of the midday sun.

Curative effects of devesil

Devesil, or Grandma’s Secret Spice.

This herb belongs to the family of hardy herbs and spices that are easy to grow with minimal care, and their uses are truly versatile, according to the Diabetic Portal.

Devesil is also known as a plant with many flavors and a unique aroma.

It has a sweet taste at the beginning, and towards the end it acquires bitter notes.

That is why our grandmothers always had it at hand and the preparation of their favorite dishes was not possible without it.

You can easily use it to replace, for example, store-bought soup spices.

However, that is far from all!

Devesil for health

It is not only a spice that gives flavor to your dishes, but also a very useful plant for our health.

It has a beneficial effect on the urinary tract – it helps with painful inflammations, acts as a diuretic.

In addition, it supports the production of digestive enzymes, which facilitates digestion and accelerates metabolism.

The strong taste and distinct aroma also works against bloating and gas.

Devesil can protect the body from inflammation that causes joint diseases.

In addition to the beneficial effect on the urinary tract, it is also an excellent helper for an enlarged prostate.

Its aroma has a relaxing effect on the tense and exhausted psyche.

Various aromatic potions, poultices and even added to the bath are prepared from it.

It also improves blood circulation, helps with rheumatism and gall bladder complications.

Supporting proper lung function

Traditional medicine uses devesila to reduce mucus in the lungs, which improves breathing and oxygen exchange in the body.

Devesil contains essential oils that help relieve lung irritation and improve the general condition after just 4 days of use.

Maintains healthy joints

The herb is considered a natural medicine and support for healthy joints as well as a treatment for rheumatism. There are no side effects, which is very rare.

Soothes allergies

The calming effect of Devesil helps to fight allergy symptoms naturally.

Quercetin, a compound found in horsetail, suppresses the release of histamine and reduces irritation caused by hypersensitivity to certain natural ingredients.

10 beneficial effects of devesila on your body and health:

Aids digestion, if you are losing weight, it is the best helper,

Speeds up metabolism

It supports the release of bile – an excellent prevention of gall bladder diseases.

Eliminates flatulence and bloating,

Prevention against cardiovascular diseases, cleans the blood and blood vessels,

Diuretic effect – it is excellent for people suffering from frequent inflammations of the bladder, kidneys and excretory system,

It removes excess water from the body, if you eat a lot of salt, devesila will rid your body of excess sodium.

Cleans the respiratory tract – removes mucus and facilitates breathing.

With devesil tea extract, you can successfully treat joint diseases such as rheumatism, arthrosis or gout.

You can boil all parts of the plant, but the root has the most pronounced effect. Tea of ​​devesil root several times a day can effectively relieve many health problems.

Great during the flu – not only a great preventative, but it will help you recover faster.

Devesil at home

Grandmothers used devesil not only in sauces, soups or with meat.

Its leaves – dried or fresh – were kept in cupboards and food pantries where they acted as a pest repellent.

Use all parts

Its roots can be dried, ground and used as a food spice.

You can add leaves and stems to broths, salads and sauces.

The young leaves give dishes an aromatic celery flavor.

You can dry the leaves and use them to make various homemade spices, flavored salads or homemade vegetable substitutes.

You can collect leaves throughout the season. The root is harvested only in the third year after summer.

Dry the root and grind it into a spice.How to grow it?

A household doesn’t need many at all, just 1-2 plants that grow very fast.

March, April at the latest, is the ideal time to sow devesil in your garden. You can find direct sowing seeds in any garden store or supermarket 

The second option is propagation by cuttings (you simply stick the cuttings into the soil and let them take root). Alternatively, you can buy transplants and plant them in the garden – this is also the easiest option.

Devesil is very hardy and therefore has no problem wintering in the garden.

Loves a place in partial shade and enough moisture – do not forget about this, especially during hot summer days.

Medicinal tea:

1 teaspoon of crushed leaves is boiled for 10 minutes in 250 ml of water.

This recipe has a beneficial effect on inflammation of the urinary tract and at the same time as detoxification after excessive consumption of alcohol or nicotine.

Be healthy!