
How to make pothos leaves very green

By Lesia

Pothos is a perfect plant to beautify our homes, it requires very little care and can live a long time. It offers intense green, heart-shaped leaves on long stems which, if abundant, arrange themselves in a “cascade”. When the leaves of your pothos begin to turn yellow , it means that the plant is suffering.

Yellow leaves are definitely not a good sign for your plant, but this does not necessarily mean that the plant has reached the end of its life cycle or is suffering from a serious disease. One of the main causes of yellowing of pothos leaves is excessive exposure to the sun.

Pothos prefers moderate amounts of light and can even grow and thrive in very little light. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, and yellow pothos leaves may be an indication that your plant is receiving too much sun.

If your plant is near a south-facing window, move it or move it away from the light. Alternatively, you can solve the problem of yellow leaves by placing a sheer curtain between the plant and the window.

Too much or too little fertilizer can also cause yellowing of pothos leaves. A monthly feeding with a specific soluble fertilizer is more than sufficient.

Other causes of yellowing pothos leaves could be the presence of fungal diseases, rotten roots or bacterial spots on the leaves. The roots can rot due to the presence of fungi in too humid or poorly drained soil.

If your pothos begins to show symptoms of rotten roots, be sure to drain the soil well and limit the amount of water. Don’t spray water directly on the leaves because the fungi thrive in humid conditions.

Disinfect scissors and cut yellowed leaves, disinfecting the stem after each cut. If the disease has spread to the roots, it is possible that the plant is now beyond recovery.