
The Toothpaste Formula to Keep Cockroaches Away Forever

By Lesia

Despite your many attempts to remove them, you often find cockroaches in cracks, cabinets, under the sink, near the refrigerator, garbage cans, or even appliances. Cockroaches and cockroaches tend to invade our homes and spread into our kitchens and strategic places in the house in search of food scraps. In this article, learn how to use toothpaste as a cockroach repellent.

Cockroaches are among the most annoying pests in a home. These crawling and/or flying insects enter the house and hide in many corners of the house. Preferring warm and humid places, these creatures tend to appear in the summer and send signals through their pheromones to invite their loved ones to join them. Thus, a heavy infestation can occur and resist our extermination attempts.

Although some people opt for smoke bombs or other chemical-based insecticides, there are a few simple, eco-friendly, and inexpensive tricks to prevent insect infestation in the home. To help you get rid of cockroaches, here is a recipe for an insecticide that is effective against these pests.


Cockroach, cockroach, or cockroach are all names given to the same insect that belongs to the order of the cockroach, just like termites. Cockroaches are small, nocturnal animals that can be found in dark places in search of crumbs and food. Both males and females can reproduce very quickly, forming a colony that is difficult to exterminate. To avoid their invasion, here is a roach bait to prepare without further delay.


  • 3 teaspoons sugar
  • 4 teaspoons flour
  • 2-3 teaspoons toothpaste
  • 3 teaspoons water


  • In a bowl, mix the mentioned ingredients to make a kind of paste.
  • Form balls with your hands
  • Distribute these balls in the places where the cockroaches pass to trap them

Warning: this tip should be avoided if you have pets that can ingest these pellets.


To keep cockroaches away, there are green solutions that you can implement. Some of the best natural insecticides include:


An essential product to have at home, baking soda can be used at home to clean stains, brighten cutlery, deodorize the environment or whiten teeth. In fact, baking soda is a safe and versatile product that can save you money on a daily basis. To control cockroaches and pests, mix baking soda with sugar water. Pour the mixture into a spray and spray where the cockroaches go.


A natural repellent, diatomaceous earth is very effective in eradicating mosquitoes, fleas, bed bugs, and cockroaches. To fight against the invasion of cockroaches that can infest your living space, sprinkle this product in cups and distribute it in the different corners of your house.


Eucalyptus essential oil has a pleasant smell for humans, but cockroaches have a hard time dealing with it. To exterminate these crawling insects, pour a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil on all surfaces where cockroaches tend to roam. This simple gesture will put an end to their proliferation in your home.


To get rid of cockroaches with a non-toxic product, many people opt for an excellent household cleaner: white vinegar. To use it, simply spray this product in all the places in the house where cockroaches can pass. Thanks to the repellent smell of this source of acetic acid, you can be sure to eradicate cockroaches in no time.