
An amazing icebox cake made with chocolate wafer cookies, Nutella, Heath Toffee Bits, and whipped cream.

By liliaturcin5

An amazing icebox cake made with chocolate wafer cookies, Nutella, Heath Toffee Bits, and whipped cream.


  • 3 cups heavy cream
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla
  • 1 ½ packages of Nabiso Famous Chocolate Wafers
  • 1 cup Nutella
  • 1 cup Heath English Toffee Bits


  1. Place the bowl of a stand mixer and the whisk attachment in the refrigerator until chilled. Remove the bowl and attach to your mixer and whip together heavy cream and vanilla until soft peaks form. Do not sweeten the cream.
  2. In another bowl, microwave the Nutella on high for 20-30 seconds (depending on the strength of your microwave) then remove from the microwave and stir. You want the Nutella to be soft and runny enough to drizzle (like the consistency of hot fudge sauce) but not so hot that it is melted.
  3. On a plate or cake pedestal, place one chocolate wafer in the center and then surround it with 6 additional wafers so you have a circle of cookies plus one in the middle. Cover the wafer layer with a ½ cup scoop of whipped cream. Using an offset spatula or the back of a large spoon, spread the whipped cream evenly to cover the wafers. Drizzle a heaping tablespoon of Nutella over the layer of whipped cream and using your offset spatula or spoon, gently blend the Nutella into the whipped cream. Sprinkle with a small layer of toffee bits.
  4. Repeat the layers of chocolate wafers, whipped cream, Nutella and toffee bits until you have 9-10 layers, ending with a layer of whipped cream.
  5. Garnish with a sprinkle of toffee bits and a dollop of Nutella in the center.
  6. Refrigerate for at least 5 hours or overnight. When ready to serve, slice and serve immediately. Note: Cake may also be placed in the freezer for a more ice cream-like consistency and to make the slicing a little easier.
