
Removes EVERYTHING bad from the body and boosts immunity: I recommend this miracle wild garlic to anyone who is sick and not feeling well!

By Lilia

Wild garlic is a plant that is very common in Bulgaria. 

It is known by many names – Levurda, Siberian onion, bear onion, leorda, forest garlic, etc. Wild garlic and levurda are the most common.

The Latin name for wild garlic is Allium ursinum, where ursus means bear. 

An interesting fact is that the first food of bears after hibernation is precisely wild garlic.

Wild garlic is one of the first herbs to bloom here in the spring.

It is a very popular raw material that can be used in many different ways .

It grows in forests in March and April.

It has a characteristic smell.

However, the taste of wild garlic is much milder than the classic one.

Few people know that with wild garlic you can also quickly cleanse the body and remove all waste substances from it and strengthen immunity.

Just what we all need these days.

However, we must be careful when picking the leaves, as wild garlic is very similar to the lily of the valley that grows in the same season.

Lily of the valley is a highly toxic herb, so we must be very careful and learn the difference between lily of the valley and wild garlic.

Wild garlic – health effects

Supports the immune system and health protection, antiseptic, antibacterial, antibiotic action – disinfects your body inside and out

Improves and heals skin injuries

Purifies and improves: respiratory tract (cough, phlegm, inflammation), liver and blood, urinary tract and kidneys.

It supports digestion , improves emptying and eliminates flatulence

Reduces high blood cholesterol , lowers high blood pressure, effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases

The diuretic effect removes excess water from the body

Calms the nervous system , improves the quality of sleep, improves the brain and memory

Wild garlic can be used to make salads, pies, pesto and even soups.

However, we will advise you on the perfect recipe to help you cleanse and lose weight! 

After wild garlic, the body is cleansed and it is also great for losing weight!

Digestion improves, you are energized and the body is freed from toxins, waste substances and retained water.

Wild garlic can do it all.

In addition, it has an antibacterial and antifungal effect and helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.

It also strengthens the immune system and has a really nice, slightly garlicky flavor, often even for those who otherwise “don’t like” garlic.

Feel free to add wild garlic to salads, soups, and more.

How to make medicinal vinegar from wild garlic:

Finely chop the leaves, maybe the small bulbs of wild garlic (about a handful) and put them in a regular canning jar (about 0.7 l).

Fill the jar with natural apple cider vinegar.

Close the jar and let it sit for three to four weeks in a dark and warm place.

Regular consumption of wild garlic leads to better fat burning.

Garlic vinegar helps a lot in the fight against extra pounds.

It is enough to drink a glass of cold water mixed with a teaspoon of garlic vinegar about a quarter of an hour before a meal.

The simplest way to detoxify the body is a daily dose of one teaspoon of vinegar in the morning, lunch and evening before meals – this is even useful for diabetes.

To improve immunity and purify the body, two teaspoons of garlic vinegar mixed with a little water per day are enough.

In addition to being used in food (for example, in salad dressing), garlic vinegar is also excellent for medicinal external use.

Garlic solution heals skin and wounds

Mix one teaspoon of garlic vinegar with 100 ml. boiled (but cooled) water – the resulting solution can be used to rinse wounds.

It also helps with acne, when in the morning and evening the skin is lightly rinsed with the solution, then with clean water, patted dry and treated with a soothing cream.

Garlic vinegar is also suitable for treating the skin after insect bites.