
How is it collected and what is it for drinking the healing sap of the awakening birches

By Lesia

In the spring, plants wake up after a long winter hibernation and an active sap flow begins in the depths of their trunks. 

If a birch grows near your home, take advantage of this gift of nature and collect birch sap.

Fashion for a healthy lifestyle leads to the fact that people are more inclined to choose natural products, without “chemistry” and preservatives. 

Among them, an important place is occupied by products and drinks of plant origin with medicinal and healing properties, which are currently experiencing a rebirth and boom in popularity.

Why is birch sap useful?

One of these natural products that you should pay attention to is the juice obtained from the European white birch, which is widespread in our area. 

This tree has a number of useful qualities, which is why our distant ancestors valued it so much.

Fresh birch sap is a real treasure trove of minerals, sugars, organic substances that strengthen health and improve the well-being of the body. 

The sap, which is obtained from the plants in early spring (end of March – beginning of April), contains a large number of important substances for the tree, which are also useful for humans.

A delicious drink

The composition of fresh birch sap includes – minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper); vitamins (mainly C and group B); enzymes, organic substances (citric acid, tannins, flavonoids, betulin) and sugars (fructose).

The benefits of birch sap

Systematic use of birch juice (2-3 times a day for 1/4 cup) for 2-3 weeks has a positive effect on the work of the kidneys and urinary tract (helps with urolithiasis), cleanses the body of toxins, reduces the level of “bad cholesterol and also strengthens the immune system. 

In addition, regular drinking of birch juice improves the complexion, gives shine to the hair. 

Due to its beneficial composition, the juice is recommended during the recovery period after an illness, for the elderly or for weakened immunity (for example, with anemia).

Harmless “birch” sugar – xylitol

The sugars included in the composition of birch sap are easily absorbed and do not affect the level of insulin in the body. 

This property was appreciated by pharmacists and an alternative medicine was created for people with diabetes. 

Birch sugar (xylitol) is formed during the production of xylose (wood sugar), which is part of the hemicelluloses that make up the bark and wood of the birch.