
Eggshells cure a number of diseases

By Lilia

Just 1 ingredient will ease your bone and joint pain! And it also strengthens nails and eliminates hair loss! It’s worth a try!

Have you ever heard about the benefits of eggshells?

The egg is a tasty, nutritious and very useful food for the health of our body. We usually eat several eggs a week, but not everyone knows that their shell can be extremely useful for your body.

If you have problems like bone and joint pain, your hair is falling out or your nails are brittle, then you should know that there is a recipe that can help you!

Eggshell consists of 90% calcium, which is extremely beneficial for our bones.

Benefits of using eggshells:
– prevent osteoporosis
– stimulate bone marrow
– regulate high cholesterol
– normalize blood pressure levels
– help restore bones after injuries
– contain zinc, phosphorus, manganese, iron and chromium
Wondering how to use eggshells ?

The easiest way is to take 1.5 to 3 grams of ground shells every day. And you can also include them in your food or drinks.

Here’s how to make flour from eggshells:
– first, wash the shells of 10 eggs well
– then crush them in a mortar
– put them in the oven, to bake them a little and get rid of the remaining moisture

Store this flour in an airtight container in a dry place.

You can also consume it with lemon juice. Wash the shells and add them to a glass of lemon juice. After about twelve hours, the citric acid will dissolve the hard parts of the shells and you will be able to use this mixture for cooking or marinating.

The most effective natural eggshell remedies:
Facial skin lifting: Mix 2 tablespoons of eggshell powder with egg white, mix well, apply all over the face and let the mask dry. Rinse off this mask with very warm water.

To detoxify the body: wash the shells of five eggs, grind them in a mortar, mix them with 3 liters of water and let it stand for 7 days. Then take two glasses of this drink daily.

Thyroid syrup: wash the shells of eight eggs and pound them in a mortar. Squeeze the juice of five lemons and mix it with the grated shells. Leave this mixture in the refrigerator until the shells are soft.

Then mix well, add 1 liter of purified water and 1 kg. honey, stir and let stand for 7 days. Take 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day, after each meal.

Strengthening nails: add ¼ teaspoon of crushed eggshells to the polish you use most often.

For stomach treatment: Mix ¼ teaspoon of crushed eggshells, ¼ teaspoon of coffee and mix with two tablespoons of lemon juice. Stir and add 100 ml. warm milk.

This medicine should be taken on an empty stomach, twice a day. The first dose in the morning and the second at bedtime.