
Homemade tricks to combat bleach or bleach stains on clothes

By Lesia

Bleach is a common way to remove stains from clothing, but it can also leave unsightly stains on fabrics. Bleach is a harsh chemical that, when it comes into contact with fabrics, can discolor and discolour them. Additionally, if bleach is not rinsed thoroughly, it can leave a chalky residue on the fabric.

Bleach stains can be difficult to remove, but with a few simple steps you can get your clothes looking like new.

2 tricks to combat bleach or bleach stains

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having a bleach-stained garment, don’t panic! There are two tricks you can try to restore your garment to its former glory.

The first trick is to mix 250 ml of water at room temperature with a tablespoon of sodium thiosulfate until it is completely dissolved. Once the solution is ready, you should pour it directly onto the bleach stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Afterwards, wash the garment in cold water, being careful not to rub the material.

The second trick is to mix two equal parts of alcohol and white vinegar. Using a damp cloth, apply the solution to the stain in small dabs, being careful not to rub the fabric. Once the stain is treated, wash the garment in cold water. If the stain is still visible, you can repeat the process until it is completely gone.

As you can see, it is possible to restore a garment affected by bleach stains. With the two tricks described above, you can make your garment look like new again.

What is sodium thiosulfate and where to get it?

Sodium thiosulfate is a chemical compound that is used in various industries and applications. It is known for its ability to dissolve and reduce sulfur compounds in water, and is used to treat water for drinking, swimming, and other purposes. It is also commonly used in photography, to bleach and fix photographic prints, and in the textile industry to dye and bleach. It is also used in the production of paper, rubber and glass.

Sodium thiosulfate can be found in many places, such as online stores, chemical supply stores, and in some pharmacies and home goods stores. It is important to check the labels of any product containing sodium thiosulfate to ensure that it is safe to use and that it is the correct grade for its intended purpose. It is also important to follow all safety instructions when handling sodium thiosulfate, as it can be dangerous if not handled correctly.