
SPINACH – the “broom” of the STOMACH and COLON

By Lilia

Spinach is one of the most useful vegetables that appear with the arrival of spring. 

This superfood contains numerous nutrients that help maintain the health of the digestive system and cleanse the entire body, especially the digestive tract (oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines).

It is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetics.

In addition, he is able to cope with nervous disorders, treat insomnia, relieve stress and fatigue. 

On top of that, spinach is easy to grow, growing in any conditions. 

A few things must be observed. More sun, less fertilizer and moderate watering. 

If it is grown properly, several harvests are collected from it during the year. 

Garden spinach is an excellent food for people of all ages.

Greenery is a dietary product. It is especially useful for people who suffer from diabetes, diseases of the nervous system, anemia, gastritis, enterocolitis and exhaustion.

The leafy vegetable acts as a diuretic, has a laxative and anti-inflammatory effect. 

Strengthens the nervous system, improves brain function. Improves reproductive activity. 

The vegetable gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. 

Antioxidants, vitamins C and A, beta-carotene and lutein are preserved even in frozen spinach. 

Spinach also contains magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper, folic acid. 

All these substances are necessary for the growth and development of tissues, to strengthen hair and teeth. 

People often call spinach a broom for the intestines, because it removes harmful substances from this organ that accumulate in it. 

Also useful for pregnant women, because of its high folate content.

In general, foods rich in chlorophyll – greens – help cleanse the digestive tract, colon and liver. 

This category includes spinach, green olives, cabbage, leeks and peas.

Chlorophyll adheres to the lining of the intestinal wall and removes putrefactive bacteria from the colon while helping to heal the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

Spinach also acts as a bile and pancreatic secretion stimulant, thereby speeding up the digestive process. 

Thanks to this effect, spinach prevents nausea and some digestive disorders that can cause diarrhea. 

Eating raw spinach helps regulate peristalsis and prevents constipation. 

Some sources claim that large quantities of spinach juice can cure even the most stubborn constipation.

Recent studies have shown that spinach leaves contain complex compounds that increase the secretion of mucus, a substance that protects the stomach from harmful substances released by hydrochloric acid. This reduces the risk of stomach ulcers.

In addition to its detoxifying and purifying effects, spinach significantly reduces appetite. 

Thanks to the wealth of dietary fiber it contains, spinach keeps us full. 

It is an extremely nutritious food. 

Contains a large amount of vitamins K and A, folic acid, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6, vitamins C and E, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, proteins, Omega-3, selenium and copper .

Spinach is also rich in flavonoids, antioxidants that fight cancer-causing toxins, especially in the colon.

How to eat spinach

Spinach should be eaten fresh. 

Boiling, even steaming, is not recommended, as the vitamins contained are water-soluble and can be lost. 

It can be scalded in a very short time. 

The easiest way is just to eat it raw, in salads. 

This way we will benefit from its maximum nutrients.

Here are some reasons why spinach should be eaten as often as possible:

Cancer:   Spinach is rich in flavonoids. 

They have been shown to slow cell division in stomach and skin cancer. 

In addition, spinach provides important protection against the onset of aggressive prostate cancer.

Antioxidants: Vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, manganese, zinc and selenium are present in spinach. 

All of them fight against the onset of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Blood pressure: Spinach peptides inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme, which regulates blood pressure.

Immunity: A cup of spinach contains over 337 units of a daily dose of vitamin A, which not only protects, but also strengthens certain points of entry into the human body, such as the mucous membranes, respiratory tract, urinary and intestinal systems.

Brain and nervous system function: 

The abundance of vitamin K in spinach contributes significantly to the formation of a healthy nervous system and brain function by providing a substantial amount of a type of fat necessary for the production process of the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerves.

Colon Cleanse Recipe:

This vitamin drink of apple, spinach and lemon helps to cleanse the colon and lose extra pounds. 

Apples are rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber fruits that help in weight loss and protect against cardiovascular diseases. 

Spinach, lemons and chili pepper are also effective aids in controlling body weight. 

Here’s how to prepare the drink at home.

Necessary products: 

1 green apple

1 teaspoon spinach leaves

freshly squeezed lemon juice (from ½ lemon)

a pinch of salt and a pinch of red pepper

Method of preparation:

Wash and chop the apple and spinach and pour them into the blender. 

Add the lemon juice and whisk. Finally, add the spices, mix and serve.


In terms of contraindications, spinach is not the best choice for people suffering from liver disease, gastrointestinal inflammation, bladder stones or rheumatism.