
7 benefits of sleeping on your left side

By Lilia

Everyone has a favorite sleeping position that they find most comfortable. Believe it or not, the sleeping position you choose can actually affect your life and overall health. 

For example, sleeping on your left side offers many benefits.

7 benefits of sleeping on your left side

1. Improved and proper heart function

Your sleeping position can improve your heart function because the left side of your heart is responsible for pumping and distributing blood throughout your system.

Overall, this will improve the function of your aorta and inferior vena cava, the vein that carries blood to your heart. This large vein is actually located on the right side of the back.

2. Basic support for pregnant women

You will benefit much more from trying to sleep on your left side, especially if you are in your trimester.

3. Enhances drainage of the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system in the body plays an important role in eliminating toxins. This is because the lymphatic system empties into the thoracic duct, which is on the left side of your body.

Sleeping on your left side will actually improve the detoxification process.

4. Protects the liver from overload.

Your liver is on the right side of your body and is usually overloaded if you sleep on your right side. In order for your system to be properly detoxified, you should sleep on your left side. 

This will allow toxins to be flushed out more easily.

5. Increased function of the spleen 

The spleen is located on your left side, and by sleeping on the same side, you will improve its function.

6. Prevents heartburn

Gastroesophageal reflux disease and acid reflux, known as heartburn, can be avoided or treated by sleeping on your left side.

7. Improves bowel function

Another important benefit that will help your system eliminate waste and toxins.

The connection of the large and small intestines is located at the ileocecal valve, which can be found on the left side of the human body.

To improve the process of eliminating toxins, you should start sleeping on your left side. 

Gravity will help you and the contents will be distributed from the small intestine to the large intestine, resulting in a normal bowel movement.